Posted 2020-11-07 12:39:43
Welcome to Lannie's shop! Here you can find a variety of items for the daily need of your pack! Herbs, food, medicines, nesting material, toys, we got it all! Depending on how much you buy, discounts are possible!
Herbs Price of green herbs: 9 SC Price of red herbs: 14 SC
Need more herbs? Buy a bundle and save SC! Bundle of 5 random herbs: 35 SC Bundle of 5 picked herbs: 40 SC
Want some medicine crafted? No problem! Price of the medicine will be equal to the price of herbs used (can craft even from there I don't have listed!) + 10 SC for my herbalists time. Aloe Available: 0 pieces
| Arnica Available: 7 pieces
| Bearberry Available: 6 pieces
| Boneset Available: 6 pieces
| Buffaloberry Available: 2 pieces
| Burning Bush Available: 2 pieces
| Carrionflower Available: 6 pieces
| Cedar Bark Available: 6 pieces
| Chaparral Available: 0 pieces
| Charcoal Available: 0 pieces
| Dandelion Available: 1 piece
| Feverfew Available: 10 pieces
| Garlic Available: 7 pieces
| Ginger Available: 7 pieces
| Goldenseal Available: 5 pieces
| Guaiacum Available: 0 pieces
| Kava Available: 1 piece
| Mullein Available: 12 pieces
| Oregano Available: 9 pieces
| Pineapple Leaf Available: 1 pieces
| Redwood Sorrel Available: 10 pieces
| Spoonwood Available: 7 pieces
| St. John's Wort Available: 8 pieces
| Tansy Available: 6 pieces
| Tobacco Available: 7 pieces
| Turmeric Available: 1 pieces
| Winterfat Available: 7 pieces
| Yarrow Available: 7 pieces
Food Did hunger strike your pack? Say no more, got a solution for it! Check what my pack has left over from today's hunts!
1x Meat chunks [Large]6 uses, 10 SC 1x Meat chunks [Medium] 4 uses, 8 SC 3x Meat chunks [Small] 2 uses, 6 SC 1x Quail Carcass 4 uses, 8 SC 1x Small Doe Carcass 8 uses, 15 SC 1x Beaver Carcass 8 uses, 15 SC 1x Turkey Carcass 8 uses, 15 SC 1x Rat Carcass 1 use, 4 SC 4x Weasel Carcass 1 use, 4 SC 1x Dead Fish 1 use, 4 SC
Toys and nesting Pack full of grumpy and bored wolves is no good! Buy them a nice toy to keep them occupied! And while you're at it, get your girls some A+ nesting material too!
Owl Tallon 5 uses Available: 18 Price: 8 SC
| Mollusk Shell 2 uses Available: 20 Price: 4 SC
| Turtle Shell 8 uses Available: 3 Price: 15 SC
| Tortoise Shell 8 uses Available: 7 Price: 15 SC
| Rattle 6 uses Available: 1 Price: 10 SC
| Nesting material Available: 4 Price: 30 SC