Warriors: Divided || Public
Posted 2020-11-11 08:36:29
Maplefur - Elder - Tag: None He was awoken by the bits of sunlight streaming into the den. It's looking like a good day to bathe in the sun. He shook his fur free of any stray moss from his nest and slowly walked into the clearing. There was a nice spot of sunlight to the left of the elder's den, which he happily plopped down into. His aches and pains weren't too severe today, which was nice because he did want to take a short walk later. Moon - Rogue - Tag: None A hollowed out tree made up her home, and had enough space for everything she needed. A small pile of prey lay next to her nest made of moss and feathers she found while out hunting. She sniffed the air a few times, and was surprised at the number of growing feline scents. She knew that there was a group of cats that lived further upstream, she could smell them, but there were more solo cat scents mingled in. On one hand, she was intrigued, but also a little disappointed that prey would probably become just a little more scarce. She grasped a dead mouse in her jaws and settled just outside the tree and began eating. |
🌈Jaded Echo🌈 #9119 |
Posted 2020-11-11 08:43:39
Hopestar || Leader || Tag: Tansyvine, Seeptail || Mentions: Cedarburn, Shadestep, Sootpaw "I slept wonderful!" Hopestar gave a friendly purr. Her forest green eyes gleamed with excitement. She gave her long-furred russet pelt a quick shake. "Would you care to join me on the dawn patrol? I was going to lead it and have Cedarburn send out hunting patrols." She quickly scanned the cave to see who else might be willing to head out on the dawn patrol with her. Hopestar noticed Shadestep eating a vole while Seeptail took in the camp. "Seeptail, care to join the dawn patrol? You can bring Sootpaw, too." |
Adelaide #21962 |
Posted 2020-11-11 08:56:58
Maplefur - Elder - Tag: None Maplefur began grooming himself, relaxing in the patch of sunlight he had chosen. His ears pricked as he listened to his leader choose his clan mates for patrol. He reminisced of older days, when he was a still a warrior, and to be honest, he does miss it. But he's comfortable in his position now. His old bones wouldn't be able to keep up with the prey anyways. His tongue slowly glided across his cream dappled coat as he worked dirt and loose fur free. Maybe he really should go on that walk. Moon - Young Rogue - Tag: None The mouse's meat was a little stringy, but other than that it was delicious. Moon swiped her tongue across her muzzle to collect any straggling bits and let out a satisfied purr. Her fur was decently clean, so she felt no need to groom at this moment, so she left her tree and ambled her way down to the river. The pebbles were smooth under her pads as she bent down to drink. She kept her eyes on her surroundings however, cautious due to the amount of felines she smelled earlier. |
🌈Jaded Echo🌈 #9119 |
Posted 2020-11-11 09:00:38 (edited)
Shadeheart || Warrior || Tag: Hopestar, Tansyvine The lithe warrior had slept in a little for the most part, but with the dawn patrol being gathered and hunting being scheduled to happen, Shadeheart just couldn't sleep any longer. His body trembled as he stretched, a sigh escaping him as his teal eyes opened to stare off at nothing in particular as he woke up. It was potentially going to be another long day, but he'd try to do what he could to help out. Even if he had, maybe, slept in a little. He pushed himself up and padded out into the center of the cave, his eyes scanning across the sparse location to view what few cats there were. His eyes, however, eventually landed on Hopestar talking with a couple of warriors. Right, dawn patrol. His ear twitched slightly as he stood where he was at, observing them quietly before he made his way over with a purr. "Hey, hey fluffballs! Don't tell me you were planning on trying to leave me at camp all by my lonesome?" He tilted his head to the side as his whiskers twitched, a paw raised as his tail curled slightly. His eyes moved over towards Tansyvine, giving her a nod in greeting. "Sleep well? I think I might have let it keep me under a little too long for my liking." He mentioned, a soft chuckle escaping him in what appeared to be slight sheepishness. Maybe. He moved to sit down, his tail curling over his paws as he flicked his teal eyes between both females, though his attention did flick towards Seeptail as he had overheard Hopestar inviting her to join the patrol along with her apprentice. Sparrow || Rogue || Tag: None The young, cream colored female had been off scouring the unfortunate area that reeked of other cats. Too many in one place for her. She carefully made her way over to the stream, ears back as her stubbed tail twitched a little. Perhaps it would be time for her to move somewhere else. After all, there were less issues being alone than surrounded by...others. A soft sigh escaped her as she glanced around, not really all that relaxed as she was rather uncomfortable with all the scents of other felines reaching her. Too many in one place, in her opinion at least, never bode well. |
Fyran #12260 |
Posted 2020-11-11 09:47:11
A slim aburne tom stalked silently through the trees, his tail low to the ground but not touching it as to not brush the leaves and grass under his paws. He was crouched low to the ground with his ears straight up like radars listening for the noise of prey. The tom took a step forward towards his unsuspecting target that was rummaging through the undergrowth of the forest looking for seeds and nuts. The squirrel was oblivious to the dangers as it move around in the leaves on the ground. Just in some bushes the tom sat patiently as he waited for it to come closer. He’s golden eyes never left the little rodent and when it was near he pounced forward where he landed on its back, breaking its spine and killing it. The tom gingerly picked up his catch so he could bury it and then retrieve it later when he would return to camp. Quickly he used his paws to did a hole in the ground where he then placed his catch befor covering it with loose dirt. |
Those Of The Wild Hunt #1475 |
Posted 2020-11-11 10:27:12
Maplefur - Elder - Tag: Open (Indirectly mentions Dawnheart) Maplefur finished grooming, his fur now sleek and well-kept. He sighed softly. It was quite lonely being the only Elder. He would have entertained the kits if there were any, but the clans numbers had dwindled. So lately, he's been busying himself with relaxing in the sun and observing. Maybe when he went on his walk, he would gather flowers and pretty trinkets for Dawnheart to decorate the nursery with. Moon - young rogue - Tag: Open Moon, quite likely too naive for her own good, decided to cautiously follow some of the cat scents. First she grabbed a rabbit from her prey pile, a peace and friendship offering, just in case she actually came in contact with one of the cats. She began to follow the scents that always seemed to be in a large group. Her paws softly thudded on the ground as she ran, her nose held high to track the scents. Eventually, she saw a waterfall in the distance. She dove for cover in a bush. The scent of many cats was incredibly strong here, and she was proven true when she noticed a group of cats in the clearing. Moon made sure to keep her distance, she was just close enough to make out the group of cats. I want to greet them, but there is a lot of them... they might not be friendly... She thought about it for a second and decided to just sit behind this bush and watch. She hadn't met any cats since she left her mother and the barn. |
🌈Jaded Echo🌈 #9119 |
Posted 2020-11-11 11:00:43
. . . Shadestep ~|~ Warrior ~|~ Tag: Open . . . Shadestep glanced around, his normally easygoing smile dropping as he realized how small his clan had gotten over time. It was strange, to see the once ambitious clan struggling. With a yawn, the warrior stretched himself out, taking the time to tremble with limb. His crooked tail flickered as he gave a respectful nod to Hopestar. She was a young leader, but an inspiration to all, especially his younger sister. Perhaps he would take the pair out later, if their mentors had no task for them. . . . Flamepaw ~|~ Apprentice ~|~ Tag: Half-face . . . The young appentice's head whipped up at the sound of her mentor. A shy smile flickered across her muzzle at the sight of the smaller she-cat. It was still odd to her that she was nearly the size of her mentor but she had nothing but respect for Half-face's knowledge. She glanced over her shoulder to see if Ashpaw would be upset at the interruption, but her brother was ignoring the pair. With a sigh, she flickered her tail against Ashpaw's shoulder, before leaving his side. "Good morning Half-face," she meowed quietly. "I slept well. Do we have any patrols for this morning?" . . . Ashpaw ~|~ Apprentice ~|~ Tag: Open but mentions Shatterclaw . . . Honestly, it was a surprise that Flamepaw did anything without his permission. Not that he would prefer it in any ways. There was no need to him to stop her training though, it was difficult enough to even convince her to be a warrior apprentice, rather than a medicine cat. Which reminded him, Ashpaw turned to eye the medicine cat den. He wonders if his own mentor had been well enough to leave yet. Shatteredclaw was once a warrior that he had looked up to, but with the loss of his leg, Ashpaw wondered if he could even be a warrior now. Wouldn't it be safer to join Maplefur in the Elder's Den? . . . Night ~|~ Rogue ~|~ Tag: Sparrow . . . Night followed the stream, moving upstream. Her paws a tad unsteady and she knew her steps were wobbly since she was so hungry. She had tried to hunt but the birds startled too quickly and she didn't have to energy to chase after the rabbits. She had been eyeing the small fish in the stream, but she never tried to hunt fish before and didn't like the idea of getting wet for no reason. The smell of multiple cats were heavy in the air. This wasn't a new sensation to the rogue, having grown up in alleycats and abandoned houses. What was new was that the scents were growing stronger, as if she was reaching a border of some kind. She had just crested a small hill when she came into sight of her. Another cat. She was pale in color, with spots of grey. Night's own tail lashed, uncomfortable at the sight of the new cat's little stub. How did one hunt without a tail? Night tried to back away, unwilling to start a fight. Especially if this cat was part of the group that was marking the borders, but as she tried to step back, her paw stepped on a stick and broke with a resounding, crack! |
Jester*Gurl #9453 |
Posted 2020-11-11 11:22:42 (edited)
Pebblepaw (F) | Med Cat App | Location: Med Cat Den | Mentions: Sky Eyes Pebblepaw stirred in her nest, finding herself greeted by the familiar scent of pungent herbs, a scent she wouldn't trade for the world. She was beyond grateful when the flame point medicine cat selected her as his apprentice- she had no interest in causing direct harm to critters and other cats. She wished to be a healer, to offer cats comfort, to save their lives rather than ruin them. She found joy and excitement in every lesson, although warrior apprentices might argue that her work was boring and gross. Who liked to chew plants and pick flowers for a living? Why, Pebblepaw did, of course! She wasn't certain as to what had awakened her, until she noticed that Sky Eyes was already awake and appeared somewhat disturbed. "...Good morning, mister Sky Eyes," the young healer greeted her mentor in her typical sing-song tone of voice, hoping to lift his spirits and rid him of whatever burdens that might have been bringing him down. "Are you ok?" Murtagh (M) | Rogue | Location: Forest | Mentions: None He had risen from slumber long ago, considering that the early bird was always the one to get the worm. With RainClan nearby to be in competition for prey, Murtagh decided to seize the moment and snag a nice breakfast before the rodents fled into the clan's territory, where he couldn't reach them without trouble. The slender-limbed feline walked inaudible across the dew-soaked forest, carefully stepping over any leaves or twigs that might give his presence away. His keen silvered ears were tuned into his surroundings, twitching at every squeak and every scuffle of paws. He wouldn't settle for scraps. A mouse wouldn't do- breakfast was how a cat started his day. Murtagh intended to get off to not just a good start, but a great start, and so he would settle for no less than a squirrel. Tricky buggars, but Murtagh prided himself in being a skillful hunter. He could climb trees well enough, although when it came to swimming...well, cats weren't fish. He didn't have gills, and so he wasn't meant to mingle with chilly water. The lynx point's cerulean gaze scanned the base of the tree, where he could hear scuffling inside. It appeared that Murtagh had lucked out- there was a young family of squirrels taking up residence in this tree. |
20mia08 #18414 |
Posted 2020-11-11 11:34:58
❅«➹Shatteredclaw➷»❅❅«Warrior»❅❅@Ashpaw❅ Shatteredclaw growled in annoyance as he pushed himself to his feet and padded out of the warrior den. He gave a tired yawn, still not used to getting up so early after the two moons he took to recover enough to be back in the warriors den and his Warriors duty. And yes he was glad to be back but he hadn’t expected having to care for an apprentice right after but he understood why. His clan was low on warriors so the clan had to use what it had. He shook his head clearing his thought and he glanced around the clearing for his apprentice. He quickly spotted his apprentice near the medicine den and he padded towards Ashpaw. |
Those Of The Wild Hunt #1475 |
Posted 2020-11-11 13:14:42
Ghost [Tom / Rogue] Half-face [She-cat / Warrior]
Zambz #956 |