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Warrior Cats a New World : WILDCLAN [RP]

Posted 6 days ago

"I was planning on taking him to The Glade for some training," I meowed, shaking my head slowly. "Another time would be best."

(Alright! I'll just skip past training like they did it)

π’Ÿπ“Žπ“ƒπ’Άπ“‚π’Ύπ“‰π‘’ ¹⁴²⁹

Posted 6 days ago
Volcanicpaw could barely feel her paws. As groggy as they were, she managed to stumble to the den. Sheking scraps of stale moss from her pelt, she entered the den, only to find twilightpaw already asleep. She felt disapointment weigh down in her belly like a stone. She was hoping to get a chance to talk to him. his soft snores were ever so cute, and she liked the way his fur was always like silk to the touch. Volcanicpaw noticed a small wound on his shoulder, and wondered how it got there. it was clean enough for twilightpaw, but there were still a few fresh drops of blood on the moss lining his nest and on his pelt


Posted 6 days ago
She nodded and laid down next to Brackenleaf. "Good idea." She agreed.

His eyes were now fully closed and he felt himself get drowsier by the minute. He felt Wildstar settling next to him and let out a soft purr, always enjoying the time he got to bond with clanmates.

Posted 6 days ago (edited)
a stale, tiny sparrow was sitting at his nest and he had gobbled it up within heartbeats. a quick grooming for his shoulder and he was in his nest, fast asleep. when are the other apprentices coming? he wondered as he closed his eyes
He was about to fall asleep, when gentle thumps alerted him of another cat entering the den. He recognized the scent of volcanicpaw. He pretended to be asleep to avoid any interactions with her. he could tell she was disapointed as she curledm up in her nest


Posted 6 days ago
Yawning, she woke up with a stretch and looked around her den sleepily. Her gaze trailed around the den before landing at the kits tucked to her stomach. They weren't moving. She froze and stared down at them, checking if she was just imagining it. Their tiny flanks did not rise and fall like the day before nor did they wiggle and twitch as they dozed at her flank.Β  Oh Starclan no! She scrambled to her paws with a loud mew of distress and pawed at the cold bodies hoping that this wasn't real.

He sat outside of the warriors den, yawning before his head shot to Wildstars den as her heard a loud wail. The pain in her mew was unmistakable and Brackenleaf ears twitched in worry. Is she dreaming? Losing a life? I should probably go check on her. He thought as he rose to paws.

Posted 6 days ago
Onyx paw had returned to camp with Storm spire, but, the warrior had gone off to do who knows what, so she simply shrugged and got a vole from the fresh kill pile. Padding over to the apprentice den, she sat outside of it, eating the vole before beginning her final groom before she headed to her nest.

Ghost of the lost

Posted 6 days ago
Rabbitfoot wakes up then rushed to Wildstar's den. "Wildstar?" He asked. "What's wrong?"

petal the forsetwing

Posted 6 days ago

Torn from my sleep, I scrambled to my paws and s ty mbled sluggishly out of the warrior's den. "What's hapoenin?" I rapsrs, barely able to open my eyes

π’Ÿπ“Žπ“ƒπ’Άπ“‚π’Ύπ“‰π‘’ ¹⁴²⁹

Posted 6 days ago (edited)
"Rabbitfoot, don't go into her den without permission to enter." He told the warrior sternly as he took approached Wildstar den. It was silent now though he knew that she heard them.

Grief tore at her chest as she curled herself around them, brignign them as close to her as she could. She hadn't even known them for that long and she already loved them with her whole heart.To have them ripped away was tearing at her slowly. A twinge of gratitude came to light in her chest as she heard Brackenleaf talking to Rabbitfoot. "Leave me." She mumbled loud enough for them to hear. She knew it wasn't the nicest thing to say but she really didn't care right now.

Posted 6 days ago
Rabbitfoot sighs and turned to brackenleaf. He nods. "I was just going to stand outside." He said sorry. He turned and sat facing Wildstar's den.

petal the forsetwing

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