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The 43rd Realm

The 43rd Realm
Posted 2024-10-28 06:50:31 (edited)
Feel free to read along!


The young, brown-haired, green-eyed shapeshifter walked into the small café, glancing around the room with a sense of confidence in her step as she took a seat at a booth in the back, hidden away from most of the other patrons. Several other people were seated in different corners of the place, some of them rebels, others just normal people going about their own business. An older woman rose, recognized the shapeshifter and walked over to the booth she was seated in, taking a seat across from her.

"Echo, you made it." The woman spoke. She was tall and thin with dark, brown hair and eyes. She seemed to have a more serious, stern look to her. The shapeshifter, Echo, nodded, sitting back in her seat, crossing one leg over the other.

"No problems on the way over." Echo said as she scanned the other people in the café. Even though it was a small spot most people were occupied in their own conversations and didn't seem to even glance in their direction.

The older woman leaned forward, her expression serious and intense. "I'm glad you made it safely. We have a lot to discuss, and not much time."

Echo nodded, sitting up straight, her own expression mirroring the woman's. "Alright, what's the situation?"

The woman took a quick look around again before speaking. "The government has been cracking down more lately, they're getting more suspicious, more… persistent. It's making some of the newer recruits nervous, scared even."

Echo's eyes narrowed slightly, a hint of concern in her expression. "What are they doing? Increasing surveillance? Patrolling the city more?"

"Everything. And I need you to handle it."

Echo raised an eyebrow, her lips pursing slightly. "Handle it? How?"

The woman leaned even closer, speaking in a hushed tone. "We have intel that the government is planning some new, experimental security technology. If they implement it and it works, we're screwed."

Echo's eyes widened slightly, a hint of surprise in her voice. "Experimental security tech? What kind? What's it do?"

"It's called Project Mind's Eye. Apparently, the higher-ups want to develop something that can, I don't know, read minds or whatever and figure out who's part of the on our size versus theirs. You know the whole 'thought-police' thing."

Echo's expression darkened, anger in her eyes. "So they want to implement actual psychic mind-reading devices? How do they even plan on doing that? How do they even know it'll be possible?"

The woman shrugged, shaking her head slightly. "Word is they have some big-shot scientist working on it, some kind of technology genius. But that's all the intel I've got so far. We need to find out more, and fast. And I know just the person I need you to find to do that."


"The Alchemist."
432302 - Event RO Only

Posted 2024-10-28 07:06:05 (edited)

The Alchemist

The lab was a quiet, spacious room filled with various equipment, reagents, and formulas. The scientist, known around the area as The Alchemist, worked late into the night, her eyes darting over to a clock on the wall every once in a while as she worked on several experiments simultaneously, mixing various liquids and concoctions in beakers and flasks. She had opted to remove her mask, which was sitting on the table next to her as she worked. The mask was black, just like her outfit, fur, and hair. It bore two cracked glass domes, each home to their own deadly chemicals that the Alchemist kept under wraps with her magic. It was tiring, but she had grown used to it. Suddenly, a knock on the door to the lab interrupted her concentration. She looked up from her work, pausing her current experiment and crossing the room to the door.

"Who is it?" she called out, her hand on the grip of the door, a hint of caution in her voice.

A slightly muffled, authoritative male voice replied from the other side of the door. "Open the door. We're here to ask you some questions."

The alchemist paused, her eyes narrowing as she looked at the door, a frown on her face. "What questions?"

The authoritative voice spoke again, slightly more firm this time. "You are being investigated for possible connections to the rebel group known as 'the Black Hands.' We have grounds to suspect you are working with them. Open the door, and answer our questions, or we will be forced to take more drastic actions."

The Alchemist's eyes widened slightly, her heart rate increasing. The Black Hands were a feared rebel group- some even could call them terrorists- and being accused of helping them was a serious accusation. For a moment, she considered not opening the door, barricading herself in the lab, but she knew that would only make matters worse. Taking a deep breath, the alchemist slowly opened the door, revealing two burly, armored security officers standing in the doorway, their expressions stoic and serious, their eyes scanning the area behind her suspiciously. She looked down, hating that she'd forgotten to put on her mask. But she didn't get a choice now.

One of the officers spoke, his voice still firm and authoritative. "We are going to ask you some questions, and you will answer honestly. Understood?"

The Alchemist nodded, trying to keep her own expression neutral, though a hint of nervousness flickered in her eyes "I understand. What questions do you have for me?"

The two officers stepped into the lab, one of them shutting the door behind them as they moved further into the room, their eyes scanning the various equipment and projects laid out around them. "What project are you working on right now?" The first officer asked.

The alchemist paused for a moment, her eyes darting from the officers to her ongoing experiments. She knew what project she was currently working on, but she also wasn't sure how much she should reveal to the officers. Finally, taking a deep breath, she decided to answer with a partial lie. "I'm currently working on a chemical formula that has potential for advanced healing properties." It was only slightly true. It wasn't the project she was actively working on, but it was one she had gotten from the government. Maybe it would save her. Maybe.
432302 - Event RO Only

Posted 2024-10-28 07:18:23 (edited)


Echo nodded, taking in the information. "The Alchemist. We need her on our side. She works on some important research that the government tries to keep under wraps, but the rebels have heard whispers about it. Getting her knowledge and access to her projects could be a big asset to us."

The woman nodded, crossing her arms as she thought for a moment. "She's not an easy one to get to, especially with the government having eyes on her already. But the information she has could be invaluable to us. We have to find a way to get her to join us, and fast. That's where you come in. Do whatever you have to in order to get her with us."

Echo nodded, a look of determination in her eyes. She had a mission, and she was not going to fail. "I'll do it. But I'll need information on her. What're her motives, what's her routine, how do I contact her?"

The woman nodded, a slight smirk on her face at Echo's determination. "Good. You'll need to be stealthy about it. Her routine is tight and she doesn't have much free time. I can give you her contact information and some basic information about her, but the rest you'll have to figure out yourself. This is a delicate situation, especially since the government is watching her. You'll need to be careful."

Echo nodded. "I can be stealthy. I've done plenty of missions like this before. And if she's being watched by the government, it just makes it even more important that we get her with us. The information and tech she has could be game changing for us."

The woman nodded again, reaching into her pocket and pulling out a small, black device, handing it to the shapeshifter. "Here's the contact info and intel on her. She's a smart one, you'll need to be extra careful. And don't take too long, the sooner she's with us, the better. The government is getting more desperate day by day, and they're not known for their patience. This isn't like the things you've done before."

Echo took the black device, pocketing it safely. "I'll be careful. I won't rush things and risk messing it up. But I will get The Alchemist with us. I've done tougher things than this before, this won't be a problem."

The woman nodded, a look of confidence in her eyes. "Good. You're our best bet to get her to join us, and the situation is more dire than ever before. The government is cracking down on rebels more than they have in years, and the tension is growing. We need any advantage we can get, and she's one of our best chances. Don't disappoint me."

"I won't."
432302 - Event RO Only

Posted 2024-10-28 08:53:11 (edited)

The Alchemist

One of the officers raised an eyebrow, his expression skeptical. The second officer spoke, his voice slightly more gruff than the first's. "Healing properties, huh? You know we received a report that you have been looking into a project regarding something known as 'Project Mind's Eye.' Care to explain that?"

The Alchemist's heart sank as the officer mentioned 'Project Mind's Eye.' She had heard whispers about it and had been discreetly investigating it herself, but she didn't expect the government to be aware of her interest in it. She swallowed hard, trying to keep her composure and maintain her neutral expression. "I've heard rumors about that project, yes. I don't have any definitive information on it, just speculation."

The first officer stepped closer, his eyes narrowing skeptically. "Rumors, huh? And what kind of 'speculation' are you involved in?" The second officer was scanning the room around them, his eyes locking on to the alchemist's research notes on a nearby desk.

The alchemist's heart raced as the officer stepped closer. She knew her research notes were on the desk and couldn't be easily explained away. She took a deep breath, trying to come up with a convincing lie. "It's just scientific curiosity. Project Mind's Eye could have potential applications in my own research, so I've been looking into it somewhat. Nothing more."

The first officer tilted his head slightly, still watching her closely, his expression not changing. The second officer made his way to the desk, picking up the notes and skimming over them. After a moment, he spoke up, a mix of disbelief and suspicion in his voice. "Just curiosity, huh? These notes look awfully detailed for just a curious glance."

"Well, I've been piecing things together. The notes on Mind's Eye are mixed with notes for my personal project."

The first officer raised an eyebrow, crossing his arms. "And what exactly is this 'personal project'? The notes about the healing properties weren't exactly the truth. This isn't looking very good for you, you know that, right?"

"They were the truth, that's just not what's open on the notebook right now. I- my personal project is classified."

The second officer chuckled, a smirk on his face. "Classified, huh? That doesn't exactly clear things up for us. Makes it more suspicious, if anything." The first officer's expression darkened, his voice stern. "We need some more answers, and we need them now. You're in a bad position here. Don't make it worse for yourself by withholding information."

The alchemist took a deep breath, knowing she was in a corner. She had to come up with a believable story, or things could end badly for her. "Fine. I'll tell you about my personal project, but can I at least finish my current experiment first? It's at a delicate stage and I can't leave it unfinished."

The two officers exchanged a look before the first one nodded. "You have five minutes. And then we need answers. No more dodging, no more games. You got it?"

The Alchemist nodded, letting out a breath and quickly rushing over to the ongoing experimental. Five minutes. She would need to work fast to finish the experiment and come up with a believable lie about her project. She just hoped that she could come up with something believable and convincing enough to satisfy the officers and save her own life.
432302 - Event RO Only

Posted 2024-10-28 09:37:25


The woman nodded, a slight smile on her face. She knew that the shapeshifter was the best person for this mission. The Alchemist was a complicated case, and the mission was delicate, but the shapeshifter had the skills to handle it. "I have every confidence that you'll succeed. But be careful. The government will be monitoring her closely, and if they catch wind that we're trying to recruit her, things could get messy."

Echo nodded, determined to go through with the mission. She left the hideout with a sense of purpose, her mind already running through possible ways to approach the alchemist. She would need to be stealthy and plan her moves carefully, as the government could be watching the alchemist closely. But she was ready for the challenge. As she walked through the city, she began the first part of her mission: figuring out how to be observing the alchemist and learning more about her routine and habits without getting caught. She needed every piece of information she could get to gain the Alchemist's trust and convince her to join the rebels.

As Echo was surveying the Alchemist's lab from across the street, she was suddenly approached by a pair of government guards, their stoic expressions and authoritative presence immediately putting her on edge. One of the guards spoke, his voice gruff and firm. "What are you doing here?"

Echo's heart quickened, her mind racing. She knew she had to stay calm and find a believable explanation for her presence. She took a deep breath before responding, trying to keep her voice steady. "I'm, uh, just passing by. Taking a walk, enjoying the scenery." Good job, Echo. Good way to get yourself shot.

The guards eyed her skeptically, their suspicious gazes piercing into her. The first guard spoke again, his tone doubtful. "Just taking a walk, huh? In this area, at this time? Seems a bit odd, don't ya think?"

Echo cursed under her breath, knowing her excuse was flimsy at best. She had to come up with something better, and fast. "I, uh, have a friend who lives around here. I was just visiting them. So I was walking home now-"

The second guard cut her off, his expression skeptical. "A friend, huh? What's their name?"

Echo's mind raced, desperately trying to come up with a convincing name. "Uh, her name is...uh..."

She paused, racking her brain for any name she could think of. But every name that came to mind suddenly seemed wrong, and she felt her mind going blank under the pressure. This wasn't like her. Not at all. She usually was good at this. Why wasn't she good at this now?!

The first guard raised an eyebrow, noticing her hesitation. "Having trouble remembering your 'friend's' name?" The second guard stepped closer, their presence looming over her as they clearly didn't believe her story.

Echo swallowed hard, her mind finally coming up with a name. "Her name is...Sarah. Sarah Jones. She lives in that apartment building over there." She pointed to a nearby apartment building, hoping the guards would buy the lie.

Both guards turned to look at the apartment building, eyeing it for a moment before turning back to Echo. The first guard spoke, his expression still skeptical. "And why are you out here now? If your visit with your 'friend' is over, why are you still on the street?"

"I was walking home. I live nearby..."

The second guard tilted his head, his expression turning slightly mocking. "You live nearby, huh? What street do you live on then?"

"Richards Avenue." That wasn't a lie. Echo did in fact live on Richards Avenue.

The first guard raised an eyebrow, apparently surprised that her answer wasn't a lie. Even so, they still seemed suspicious of her.

"Funny. So you just happen to live nearby and you just happen to be out for a walk right as you're leaving your 'friend's' house?"

"Well I have to get home somehow, yes."

The second guard chuckled, clearly not buying Echo's story. "And why were you staring at that lab across the street before we approached you? You looked pretty focused on it to just be out for a walk."

Echo's heart sank as the guard mentioned the lab. She had gotten caught red-handed and she knew it. She wasn't sure how to respond without making herself seem even more suspicious, but she had to think of something quickly. She swallowed hard, trying to maintain her composure as she spoke. "I was just curious about it. I walk by it daily but the door was slightly ajar and the lights were on. They're not usually on." That was, in fact, very true.

The guards exchanged glances, their expressions unreadable. The first one spoke again, addressing her statement. "So you were just curious. And you weren't trying to see who or what was inside?"

"I mean... I know who lives inside. The Alchemist, right?" She tried her very best to play it off as innocent curiosity. A lot of people knew who the Alchemist was, and where she lived.

The second guard nodded, a small smirk appearing on his face. "Indeed, it is. The Alchemist herself." The first guard, however, narrowed his eyes at Echo. His tone was slightly sardonic as he spoke. "You know who she is?"

Shit. Echo nodded, swallowing hard as she tried to keep her cool under the guard's intense gaze. She had to keep up the innocent curiosity act, even if her heart was hammering in her chest. "Of course, who doesn't? She's pretty famous, after all. Everyone knows her." Damnit what's wrong with me!? I'm normally good at this! What's... wrong... with... her thoughts seemed to grind to a half. Her body felt weak. So weak. This wasn't nor-

She collapsed.
432302 - Event RO Only

Posted 2024-10-28 10:00:11

The Alchemist

The Alchemist immersed herself in work, her mind racing while her hands moved swiftly to finish the experiment. As she worked, she couldn't help but glance over at the window, hoping that nothing strange was happening outside. She had enough on her hands already. Suddenly, she heard a commotion outside. It almost sounded like raised voices, but she couldn't make out what was being said. Her heart skipped a beat. Something wasn't right. After a few moments, the commotion outside subsided, but the alchemist's heart was still pounding. She tried to focus on her experiment, but her mind was occupied by the disturbance she had heard. She hoped it was nothing, but her gut told her otherwise. However, she didn't have time to dwell on it. She had to keep working and finish the experiment before the guards started hounding her for answers.

With the experiment finally completed, she set it aside and started mentally formulating a cover story. She had to come up with something convincing, something that would satisfy the guards and keep her safe. But her mind was still racing from the commotion she had heard outside. She couldn't shake the feeling that something was wrong. Snap out of it, focus, Alexis, she told herself, trying to force herself to concentrate. She took a deep breath, trying to collect her thoughts. The cover story needed to be logical, believable, and not too overly specific to give herself away. But her mind seemed to draw a blank. The alchemist had never been great under pressure, and this situation was certainly not helping. She glanced at the clock.

Only two minutes left. She didn't have time. She needed time. She didn't have enough- she never had enough.

Suddenly, there was a knock on the lab door, followed by a voice from the other side. "Alchemist? We're coming in." 

The Alchemist's heart sank. She had run out of time. She quickly gathered the notes about her personal project and hid them away in a nearby drawer. She then took a deep breath, steadying her nerves, before calling out a response. "Come in!"

The lab door opened, and the two officers entered. The first officer, the one who had made the initial demand, spoke up. "Alchemist, we have a few questions for you. Are you ready to answer them?"

The alchemist swallowed hard, trying to keep her nerves in check as she nodded. "Yes, I am."

The second officer spoke up, a hint of skepticism in his tone. "We found someone outside, watching this place. They gave us some... interesting answers."

The Alchemist's heart skipped a beat. She knew someone was watching her. She had felt eyes on her recently. But the officer's tone suggested that they didn't believe the person. She had to tread carefully here. She forced a shrug, trying to appear nonchalant. "Really? Who was it?"

The first officer responded, his tone firm. "A young woman. Said she was just out for a walk and saw the lab, and was 'curious.' Sound familiar?"

The Alchemist shook her head, a puzzled expression on her face. But she knew the officer wasn't buying it despite it being the truth. "No, I don't know anyone around here who fits that description. I keep to myself, for the most part."

The second officer chuckled, a hint of disbelief in his tone. "Right. So you're telling us you have no idea who this woman is? Or why she was watching your lab? Sounds fishy to me."

The Alchemist felt herself starting to get defensive. "I mean it. I rarely have visitors, and I don't know anyone who would have any interest in me. Besides, why would someone be watching my lab anyway? I'm just a scientist, not a super spy."

That... might have been the wrong thing to say...
432302 - Event RO Only

Posted 2024-10-28 12:20:36


The guards, now worried about the situation, carry Echo's unconscious body into the Alchemist's lab. The alchemist was still standing there in shock as they enter. The first guard spoke, his voice urgent. "Alchemist. We were talking to her and she just passed out. We need you to have a look at her. Can you figure out what's wrong with her?"

The Alchemist's eyes widened as she saw Echo's unconscious form being carried in. She quickly nodded, her mind already switching into analytical mode. "I'll see what I can do. Clear my desk and lay her on it. Please don't break anything."

The guards nodded and followed her instructions, laying Echo gently on the cleared desk. The alchemist stepped over to her, starting to inspect her condition. She checked her pulse, her breathing, and looked for any obvious injuries. After a few moments, she spoke. "Her pulse is weak, but she's alive. And I don't see any visible signs of injury."

The first guard spoke up, concern etched on his face. "So you can do something to help her, right? Please tell me you can do something."

The Alchemist nodded, though her expression was serious. "I'll do my best. Step back and let me work. And keep your questions for after I've assessed her condition, okay?" She decided not to mention that the guards had just been coming at her for treason and now were begging her to help.

The guards nodded and stepped back, giving the alchemist room to work. She began to run some basic tests on Echo, checking her vitals and symptoms. After a few minutes, she turned to the guards, her face serious. "There's something wrong with her. I need to run some tests to find out what it is. And I'll need you to give me some space to work."

As the guards step back, allowing the alchemist to work, she carefully examines Echo's wrist. And that's when she spots the Black Hand's logo. She stops for a brief moment, her surprise hidden from the guards. Her mind starts to race, wondering the implications of that symbol. But she quickly composes herself, continuing to run tests without acknowledging the tattoo to the guards.

The guards nod, and the alchemist turns her back to them, heading over to a nearby cabinet. As she rummages through the cabinet, she takes a moment to glance back at Echo. Her eyes linger on the Black Hand tattoo once more. She has a feeling this isn't a coincidence.

As the Alchemist is gathering the necessary equipment from the cabinet, a ringing sound fills the room. It's coming from Echo's pocket. The alchemist freezes, her heart rate increasing slightly. She glances back at the guards and sees them exchange a curious look. Eventually, the Alchemist stepped forwards and took the phone, answering it and hesitating before speaking.

432302 - Event RO Only

Posted 2024-10-28 13:09:32


Jaden looked at the clock that was hanging on the kitchen wall, inside of their house. It wasn't like Echo to go without giving any signs of life all day long. According to a mutual of theirs, she should be on a mission right about now. A relatively uncomplicated one he tought surely nothing she couldn't handle on her own. The fact that she hasn't answered his texts isn't anything peculiar either. It was a little untoughtful, letting him worry about her like that, but not really anything out of the ordinary.

Despite all the reasons for Echo ingnoring him, he could come up with, Jaden still felt like there was a knot deep within his stomach and not only did it not loosen up with any of the rational explanations, it only continued to tighten with every irrational scenario that flashed trough his brain. That's it, there's no good excuse for her to be acting like that. She only has herself to blame if she doesn't want me to worry about her.

Walking to the kitchen counter, he took out the phone from his pocket and dialed his sister's number. He listened to the continous beeping, until someone finally picked up. He opened his mouth, ready to give her a piece of his mind, but then he heard the voice on the other side.


He felt a cold shiver run down his spine. That wasn't Echo's voice. He fell silent trying to calm his nerves. Even if something bad happened to her, now isn't the time to unravel into panic. "Hello" Faking tranquility in a situation like this came to him surprisingly easy. He did have many opprotunies to practise, for better or for worse "Who are you and why do you have my sister's phone?"

Posted 2024-10-28 13:19:41

The Alchemist

The alchemist, caught off guard by the question, paused for a moment. She hadn't been expecting the rebel's brother, or anyone else for that matter.

"Uh, I'm... I'm the alchemist..."

She mentally kicked herself. She needed to keep her cool, provide answers without giving too much away. She also needed to keep the guards in the dark while she talked. This was going to be tricky. The alchemist swallowed hard, her mind racing to figure out what she should say next. Should she tell the truth? No, that would only raise more questions. She glanced at the guards, who were watching her intently. They would not be pleased if they found out. She had to be careful.

"I um, I found..."

She trailed off, trying to think of something convincing to say.

"She blacked out. I only answered her phone because she's still out. She's okay, but I don't know what's going on... at least I think she's okay."
432302 - Event RO Only

Posted 2024-10-28 13:42:42


Silence. He had no idea what to think about this. If this person really was the Alchemist, that means he should probably be careful with what he says next.

"Is there anyone in the room with you?"

This could be really bad. If they start searching Echo, they will probably find multiple things on her that would be grounds for an immediate arrest. What now? Should he just keep talking to her in hopes of distracting her long enough for him to get there? If she calls authorities, this will get messy. He grabbed his keys and exited trough the door, then ran down the flight of stairs and headed to the nearest bus stop. He probably didn't want his car to be seen near the Alchemist's house.

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