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Posted 2024-11-05 20:29:00 (edited)

The Admins for this project are Liam (me), Mika, and Finn! Message any of us with any questions, comments, or concerns!

rma variant-pose-relaxed 2306 d-base-caribou

code by #202


set a wishlist, donate items, exchange items through the "gift exchange" program-- or give to others!

The purpose of The Holiday Gifting Project is to spread joy and whimsy through the months of November-December. Some people do not have the best home lives and use Wolvden as an escape, and they deserve to have a happy holiday season as well; apart from that, gifting is a wonderful part of this game! Spread joy to new and old players alike with The Holiday Gifting Project!

My other friends and I are running this project until January 2nd, 2025!


Read these rules thoroughly for each thing you wish to do! This is chaos, but it's organized, at least! Do your part and help us out a bit!

  • To set a wishlist, you will need to use the WISHLIST FORMAT stored in the spoiler tab at the end of this page! There is a password for the pastebin link containing the format. (The password is: Wishlist24). Once you input the code, you should be able to access the code. Paste it into your reply to this post, and fill in all the areas with PARENTHESES. You will set 3-7 items that you want most, (they can be vague, like "lunar decor, red decor, etc."!), you may ask for:
    1. Wolves, as long as you are specific (muties, base colors, stats, role, etc)
    2. Grove items
    3. Applicators
    4. Art
    5. Decor
    6. Custom Decor
    7. Currency
    8. Collectibles
    9. Poses
    10. Event Items
  • All donated items will be given back to users in this thread, or used for the Gift Exchange! To donate,Β  send the items you wish to donate here, select Gift and put in user ID #146243 (don't worry, this is my ID)! Most items are accepted for donations. See items NOT permitted below the appreciated items list. Items especially appreciated are:
    1. Poses and applicators
    2. Breeding items
    3. Event Items
    4. Decor
    5. Custom Decor
    6. Grove items (Guarana, Sex Changers, Elk Hearts, etc.)
    7. GC and SC
    ⚠️Items not permitted for donation include: Low worth decor easily crafted (bone decor, angel oak, scattered bones, etc. Lunar decor is permitted but we do have a surplus of it, so other decor is preffered!), food (excluding bundles), Low-use amusement items (bundles are permitted), English herbs, low-worth recipes, and remnants. These items will be sold to the raccoon 🦝⚠️
  • Make sure you read/view the person you are gifting's wishlist before sending over a gift! Do not send anything unwanted unless it is SC or GC! DO NOT ASK FOR ANYTHING IN RETURN! To gift someone, go to the user's profile and select the "gift" option on their player card, or copy their user ID into the trading center when sending a gift! Some player's CSS does not display the "Gift" on their player card, so the other option will work just as well! Please be sure to specify that the gift is from this project!
  • The Gift Exchange Program is done through the admin of this project. You will start a trade with me, Liam, click here to initiate the trade, and put in the user ID #146243! After you initiate the trade, you will put in an item(s). (see DONATION INFORMATION to see what is allowed!). Once putting in your item(s), go to the message box. Specify what you would want in return (see WISHLIST INFORMATION to see what is allowed!). You may ask for specific items, paste your wishlist, or ask for a surprise! Note: you will get back as many items as you put into the trade!

🎁 Have fun, be jolly, fair, and faithful to your word! 🎁

pastebin link, enter the password said in the WISHLIST INFORMATION tab above!

πŸ’« Liam 𖀐 {anya's ver.}

Posted 2024-11-05 20:50:25 (edited)
my wishlist !


lynxed-tboy ( jolly ver )

Posted 2024-11-06 05:07:19 (edited)
my wishlist!! thank you to everyone and i appreciate all of you, i'll be trying my best to gift people under this thread myself :3 (I WILL ALWAYS GIFT BACK!! <33)

  • sentinel pose

  • african wild dog custom decor

  • any kind of currency :3

  • mottled OR patches: pointed (i will love u forever) lowgen (g1–5) pups!! or adults, but just lmk so i can clear space! i prefer realistic colors but any mottled is seriously appreciated

  • any lowgen wolves that look or have attributes pertaining to african wild dogs (its for a project :D)

  • any sorta decor thats flowery or possibly space themed :p

    im always in need of guaiacum, pineapple leaves, or kava leaves! i also will ALWAYS appreciate any kind of bundles or nesting materials<3

    Finn #69379
    link to this user's wishlist!
    Click here to go gift me!


Posted 2024-11-09 08:36:59
Here's my wishlist. :3Β  Thank you so much for this opportunity, I will also be doing my best to continue giving what I can. Including others who comment as well, just to pay it forward however I can. I've got plenty of cave mats and lucky feet I could gift.


  • Sentinel pose.

  • Motherly pose.

  • Absolutely any GC would be helpful.

  • Any background from the US could be cool. Those are so pretty.

  • Decor in general for my wolves is nice. I'm trying to theme all my babies.

  • SPACE THEMED items for my wolves Donna Noble and Bill Potts.


    I'm always in need of a bit of extra amusement or food. Thank you so much again, I'll be keeping an eye on this thread. :3


    (Rich) RichΒ #144058

    link to this user's wishlist!*

    Click here to go gift me!


Posted 2024-11-09 11:05:37 (edited)
Here's my wishlist!!!!

  • Any decor or custom decor! (especially natural, blue, or puppy/fox/bird related!)
  • Fur extensions CD!
  • Any pose variant or applicator! (especially anything fox or abomination or blue-colored...)
  • Art! I love art so much! draw my girls sierra or darcie!
  • abomination base app or abomination base wolf...
  • Any lighting or expression decor!
  • any high stat/proficiency wolves!

    I always gift back!! Food, amusement, and currency are always so so appreciated! TYSM!!

    Liam/Luka (#146243)
    link to this user's wishlist!*
    Click here to go gift me!

πŸ’« Liam 𖀐 {anya's ver.}

Posted 2024-11-26 13:52:04 (edited)
My wishlist is below thanks in advance to any generous wolves participating in this thread!!

❄️ Any natural color base apps
❄️ Marking apps [Preferably peacock, freckles, streaks]
❄️ Solar eye applicator
❄️ Wolf meat, scrotum, blood, Opal rock salt [eye pass]
❄️ Art, supprise me! Something cute for my home or den page.
❄️ Natural backgrounds/decor
❄️ Poses [Sentinel or relaxed]
❄️ Sex changer
❄️ Natural BG or decor
❄️ GC/SC
❄️ G1/T3's
🎁  Thanks in advance and I hope everyone has a wonderful holidays!

You can gift to me here if you like!! 》》 link


Posted 2024-11-26 16:36:40 (edited)
So excited!! Will gift back any gifters <3

(My wishlist )

  • (Any applicators)
  • (Selene/Luna wolves)
  • (Poses)
  • (Large smoky quartz chunks)
  • (Art of my stud)
  • (Custom Decor, rare backgrounds/decor)
  • (Currency, I have a 400 GC goal I'm trying to achieve :))

    (OPTIONAL: extra notes? Absolutely would not like bone decor, angel oaks, common lunar decor, herbs, or food)

    (Hatter/Lyra) (#147572)
    link to this user's wishlist!
    Click here to go gift me!


Posted 2024-12-01 09:24:22 (edited)
My wishlist ^^
Any dark bases or natural looking bases, or custom decor
MODS any of them, but use mostly the newer once for my studs.
Poses or arts
GC and SC
Guarana and instant pup or aniseed

Extra notes * Please not herbs, food and standard decors.

Skyler Strider #53030
Wishlist on my den page along with where you can gift me if you like ^^ link
Skyler Strider

Posted 2024-12-01 09:32:13 (edited)
(Message, ex. "Here is my wishlist!")*

  • (Item 1)* any and all apps (except random)
  • (Item 2)* motherly or sentinel pose
  • (Item 3)* motherly or sentinel pose
  • (Item 4) Wisps, lighting, lunar detritus or similar "ambiance" decor
  • (Item 5) Any scenery decor
  • (Item 6) Decor from the "smoky quartz" event because I missed the very last day and didn't buy practically anything!
  • (Item 7) Custom decor but I

    (OPTIONAL: extra notes? anything you absolutely don't want? anything you need apart from wishlist items {herbs, food, etc}? things for gifters to know?)
    I don't usually need food, mine ends up rotting.
    I alwaysΒ  like remnants I can use to craft things or nesting material

    mALEc 🌸🐰 🌸 #121180
    link to this user's wishlist!*
    Click here to go gift me!

mALEc 🌸🐰 🌸

Posted 2024-12-01 09:37:30
My Wishlist!

Markings Set Applicators


GC and SC

Breeding items

TIII or T* base changers


Eye Saltlick

Immortal Jellyfish

Lethal mutises (no pressure on this one)

My wishlist is in my profile too
Lettuce (NOT a Cupid)

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