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Show off your best looking wolf :D

Show off your best looking wolf :D
Posted 2020-11-08 17:30:42 (edited)

I know 'show off your...' has become so common in chatter, but I'm so genuinely interested in seeing what wolf you own that you're most proud of. 

Here's my best/favourite to start;


I'd have posted my breeding male, but I don't want this to be about stud advertisement at all (though it is a tie between them for my favourite colourings if you want to go check him out). On that note, feel free to post your own breeding males/studs as well as females if you like :)


Posted 2020-11-08 20:19:08 (edited)

Awwhhh, she's so pretty! Your breeding male is also very handsome :) 

Here's one of my pretty babies.. 


Her paws just makes her look like the sweetest little thing! 


Posted 2020-11-08 20:38:28

I love her little pink paws :3 


Posted 2020-11-08 20:41:41

I considered my breeding male but he's only the 3rd prettiest (but the most suited to his job marking and base wise). My prettiest wolf is this girl here

This is the first Teir II that I bred myself. I think it's a really nice bonus that her markings look so great on her base. Her brother is also quite fabulous.


Posted 2020-11-08 20:43:52
I love her markings, bet she'll look even better as an adult :)

Posted 2020-11-08 21:00:08

I’m super biased, but I love my lead wolf


Posted 2020-11-08 21:38:01

Such pretty wolves! <3


Posted 2020-11-08 23:47:14

It’s sooo difficult for me to pick a favorite. I have several customized wolves. :x Don’t tell the rest, but I think Varvaara is my favorite right now. But I do LOVE my lead wolf.

This is Varvaara!


Posted 2020-11-09 01:40:43

Is it cheating that I've customized a handful of wolves? :') 

My breeding male is definitely up there (as is my lead wolf...and as are a couple of pups that I've purchased, aaargh) but I think my favorite is Spider, my herbalist. 

I'm considering making her immortal down the line -- something about a herbalist that discovers an elixir of immortality & keeps it to herself? c; 


Posted 2020-11-09 01:48:37

This is such a hard question, I love all my babies so much! But my first female, Dreamfyre, is probably my favourite. Such a shame that she tends to through ugly babies, lol.

Here she is!


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