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Let's add a QTY feature to the herbalist!!

Let's add a QTY feature to the herbalist!!
Posted 2020-11-08 18:48:16 (edited)

So, this is a suggestion that would require coding and maybe some art, depending on how the buttons were created. The herbalist is a lifesaver if you have the right herbs to make the meds needed for whatever.

Idea 01: Add a quantity feature. Right now, for example, I've got 9 Charcoal x 3 Dandelion. It would be nice if I could select to make three at once instead of clicking "begin mixing" and having the page refresh, which then forces me/you/everyone else go re-scroll through the list of 21 known medicines just to click "begin mixing" again and then repeating the process for however many of that medicine you wanna make. If there was a quantity feature right there, that would be less time consuming and also easier/faster for those who play on their phone. I've made a mock up, taken from Amazon, to which you'd click the arrow/qty number and it would provide a dropdown based on the number of selected herbs in your hoard. (In this case, it would be three.) Lmk what you guys think??

credit to Amazon on mockup for QTY dropdown.


Posted 2020-11-08 19:10:07

Minor but useful, yeah.  I usually make 3-4 of the same salve overnight, and I wish I didn't have to scroll down to select it each time.


Posted 2020-11-08 20:47:44

Some form of this please! While it certainly is only a minor inconvenience to have to scroll down every time it's still a bit annoying and seems like it would be pretty simple to add in something like this to fix the annoyance.


Posted 2020-11-17 16:27:38

Oh I'd love this, yes please! I tend to forget which one I want to set halfway through scrolling lmao, so this'd help immensely!


Posted 2020-11-17 18:38:15

Maybe if the devs aren't so sure about this it could be a premie feature like feed all play all? And you could do this with quing explore so people who work can kinda keep up with players who can be on more ? :D

Alan Dracula

Posted 2024-11-29 22:34:32
*Murders the support button*

We neeed thiiiiis. It Is anooying the re-scroll each tiiiime T^T


Posted 6 days ago
Yes please! It's so incredibly annoying to have the scroll down to select the same medicine every single time, especially when I have the ability to craft that many at once!


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