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Stat Grinding Lead Wolves

Stat Grinding Lead Wolves
Posted 2024-11-29 22:47:26 (edited)
I have been asked so many times how I manage to make my leads so large so I finally am buckling down and writing it out to hopefully raise up the next generation of stat grinders.

First you need to choose your lead, I recommend starting with a yearling that is level 1. Generation does not impact your stat gain, it only impacts your starting line. I personally like to run NBW leads because all of the work to build the dog is on me and me alone. If this is your first time, choosing a lead who has higher starting stats may be helpful to let you learn how to min max your energy use without also struggling with a young NBW with horrible stats. See Dลผanek's spreadsheet for the stat bonus breakdown on how the stats of your wolf effects your rolls in battles.

I advise to start at level 1 because you have a 20% chance to gain a stat point from any battle that is 3 or less levels lower than your lead or any level higher and any battle that is level 15 or higher. This gives you a larger range of creatures to battle right from the beginning.

Your leads personality matters! Check out this guide by Aris to see which personality works best for your play style. I personally use Combative to gain back 10% of energy from winning battles.

Your objective for exploring is to use as little energy as possible and fight as many battles within the stat levels as possible. I advise the 'bleed and back off' method. This is very hard to do as a young low level wolf so you are going to have to use lucky feet. You will need them in the hundreds to get your young superstar in the making off the ground.

What is the bleed and back off method?ย  It is very simple, you use latch to cause your enemy to bleed or double bleed, release and rest/wait until your foe has bled out,ย  a young lead will flounder a lot with this, but long term it is the best method.

Each move you use is tied to a certain stat point, I recommend pushing smarts and strength first to make battles easier.
Certain enemies drop certain stats, See this guide by ๐ŸงŠ Orthrus๐ŸงŠ to see where different enemies are.ย  I recommend Glacier for Strength, grasslands for smarts, and Desert for speed/agility. Any battle within range can drop wisdom so while it is the only stat that is useless in a lead fight it is also the only stat that you cant directly push for. (Please note that cataclysm event enemies disrupts the balance of stat drops. )

As a side note, your lead will gain 10% of energy every 7 and a half minutes!

As your lead levels up choosing Talents is incredibly important, for the skill tree I use:

Tactical retreat - Must get to unlock the rest of the tree, it is useful when you are losing and have to run though
Tireless - Returns 25% of energy used in victorious battles, 100% a need, it adds up so much over time
Second wind -Restores energy and makes it so you aren't tired in battles which is a pretty harsh debuff
Quick recovery -Need to unlock the skill below it, also lowers health item usage which is nice
Bloodthirsty -IS a MUST, it is very useful for the bleed and backoff method
Ambush+Nimble+Cunning -Makes fights easier, and useful to not die since the bleed and back off method does make battles longer and you need to stay alive
Biter+Dauntless -I don't use bite but you have to have it for dauntless, since I am currently running a strength lead that is fighting a lot of bears and dauntless helps with bears
I do NOT use Latcher because it decreases bleed and you need to maximize bleed

The rest of the tree is up to you, I personally use the befriending and trophy talents because it fits my play style.

The rest is just grinding, it will take a lot of guarana, healing salves, lucky feet, time and effort. Some events do help, Cataclysms is the biggest event for stat grinders due to the bonus guaranteed high level battles. Lunar event is also good for stat grinding, as you can explore the dreamlands on no energy getting a few extra battles for every day of the event.

The last bit of advice I can give is to set a daily goal, if you want to hit 2000 stats with your wolf Take whatever your current stat is and calculate a minimum stats per day you need to get there.
(end stat - current stat) / Roll overs your lead has to live = Daily stats needed
You can get the number or ROs your lead has to live under cooldowns
A daily goal is a great way to know if you are on track or not.

Also be sure to take breaks! Wolvden is very mentally demanding, a high stat wolf is not worth your mental or physical well being! If your are questioning if you should rollover a day, DONT! Take the day off, the game is paused for you until you have the spoons to pick it back up!

I am happy to answer and questions anyone may have, and if I have messed up any of the data please reach out!

Best of luck and happy (stat) hunting!


Posted 2024-11-29 22:47:41
Saving a second one in case I need it


Posted 2024-11-29 23:26:40

The only question I have, is what about the leveling up? Since 20 is max, how do you keep grinding for stats? After you reach the max levels, do you keep Stat grinding through fighting in explore?

๐’Ÿ๐“Ž๐“ƒ๐’ถ๐“‚๐’พ๐“‰๐‘’ ยนโดยฒโน

Posted 2024-11-29 23:31:33
Your lead is not tied to any daily limit on stat gains(pack wolves has a maximum of +4 stats daily through their jobs), so in theory you can gain infinite stats through battling. Your lead will get the same level up bonuses as any pack wolf, but yes, battling is the way to get stat points over time.


Posted 2024-11-29 23:33:36
That's good to know! Thanks!

Gonna grind for a lot of GC, get a MoD (biewer or dip), and hopefully beat Frostwalker's stats one day๐Ÿ˜‰

๐’Ÿ๐“Ž๐“ƒ๐’ถ๐“‚๐’พ๐“‰๐‘’ ยนโดยฒโน

Posted 2024-11-29 23:34:07
Best of luck! Would love to see it!


Posted 2024-12-01 09:16:04
I have no idea what am I doing but:
Explore deserts. It has almost everything you need: energy recovery, health recovery, different herbs, expensive trophies, a lot of smarts, speed and agility enemies, a lot of toys and some food
If you need more strength, go to glacier, it's also great and has more trophies.
I personally dislike swamp and rainforest. It's like worst features of desert + worst features of glacier.


Posted 2024-12-20 20:37:08
How much Guarana would be good to save if even aiming to get 5000 stats? Assuming you start with at least 1000.


Posted 2024-12-22 00:12:48
It really depends on what stat you are grinding for, Ravenwalker took just over 6k guarana and is 4k stat but he was pushed as a stalker(wis/smarts) lead, finisher(strength) leads are for sure easier as glacier is much more densely packed with foes but I can't give an exact number as to what is needed.
Unfortunately since the user log broke this year I will never be able to do a final tally of how many guarana Frostwalker will have taken


Posted 2024-12-23 00:54:17
Question, what does tiredness do in a battle?

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