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Christmas gifting chain <3

Christmas gifting chain <3
Posted 2024-12-01 22:40:28
Every year I forget to gift as many people as I possibly can, until the near the end of the event, and all I can do is hope that I'm not the only one, so I'm aiming to get started as early as possible, and gift people some things they'll will really like

How to join:
1. gift the person above you
2. Leave a link to your wishlist (If you have one made)
3. Give two options of something else  you might want, one cheap and one that's more expensive, for those who might not be able to afford something on your wishlist :D

Insert wishlist here
Looking for Food or custom decor!
(Don't mind my poor example XD)

You must gift the person above you
Please don't be upset with your gifts, it's important to remember not everyone can afford expensive things
Don't give two expensive item options
Example: Base app or GC, as that's not very fair to someone who might be new, but you may give two "Cheap" options
Don't try to  pressure anyone into gifting you something from your wishlist or something expensive
Have fun!

I will go ahead and send my info
1. Gifting (the first commenter)
2. link to my Wishlist
3. Herbs or decor of any kind

Happy holidays to everyone!


Posted 2024-12-01 22:46:12
Gifting! :3
I only ask for 10sc

Posted 2024-12-01 22:52:25
Love to have sc(maybe hmmmm 200) or gc(no more than 5) custom background food amusement nesting material if too much to ask do let me know
I'm sending the 10sc

Posted 2024-12-01 22:52:29
Gifted Above! No Wishlist I'd love some herbs or food items

Posted 2024-12-01 22:54:45
gifting :3 wishlist on den page
styx 🎄

Posted 2024-12-01 22:54:47
Gifted everyone above :)

Posted 2024-12-02 01:40:42
Gifting above! My December wishlist is on my den; a selection of ideas from it: herbs, lucky feet, raccoon wares decor/background from any biome besides the tundra.


Posted 2024-12-02 06:40:33
Gifts sent to everyone above!

Dill [Rare Rolling]

Posted 2024-12-02 07:09:29
Gifting above!


Posted 2024-12-02 07:50:45 (edited)
Gifting all above! Please try for Wishlist if not, sc or gc please!


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