Nursing Mother Feed/Play Notification
Nursing Mother Feed/Play Notification
Posted 2020-11-10 08:23:49
Heya, Hiya! So, today I was a giant idiot. Which is not uncommon, but still... Anyway, after triple checking my wolves that needed fed/played with before rollover, especially my nursing mothers, I thought I'd gotten them all and happily tripped off to bed. Except, when I got up and rolled on over this morning, I was told that one of my mother's got left out of the feed/play group and her pups received a penalty! Now, my idiot self thought it was a bug, but after wasting a very nice Admin's time, they politely informed me that I'd just forgotten. Yay. (Sorry again, Admin!) So, my suggestion is that perhaps we can get a notification for something like this? Maybe something that says; " Wolf (ID#0000) is nursing _ Pups and has not been fully cared for today!" I was thinking a notification on the main home page under the "Action Required" area, rather than something like the hunting/scouting/herbalist notifs that pop up on all pages. I don't think much would be needed to add this. A bit of coding and writing, I'd think. Thoughts? |
![]() Amarok #3710 |
Posted 2020-11-10 08:30:13
Yes, I wouldn't mind too much if it was just on the home page. :) I think it's something most of us would want to do every day so it wouldn't get too annoying to see it there! And would remind me to feed my wolves in general... |
![]() Kiwi (Hiatus) #7317 |
Posted 2020-11-10 15:04:59
Yeah, it'd be nice to have it on top of the home page! And also maybe have nursing mothers bolded or something in the feed/play dropdown? |
![]() Nika #10475 |