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private rp between shapeshifter and Zorallo [Fleas = Torment] power of gold and silver. (CS)

private rp between shapeshifter and Zorallo [Fleas = Torment] power of gold and silver. (CS)
Posted 2024-12-06 18:36:48
here is the occ and cs.

petal the forestwing

Posted 2024-12-06 18:42:41 (edited)
name goldvain.
gender male strait.
tribe goldwing
role/ rank spy
discripion sea blue eyes, gold scales, size is smaller then normal. strong build.
personalty kind, sly, loves to help others in need.


petal the forestwing

Posted 2024-12-13 16:43:57
Name: Stormblight
Gender: Female, Bi
Tribe: Lightwing
Role/Rank: Royal Guard/Border Guard
Description: Light icy blue eyes, pale blue/white-ish-silver scales, normal sized, slender yet muscular build
Personality: Stoic yet caring, Arrogant yet accepting, peacefull yet destructive (When needed)
Zorallo [Fleas = Torment]

Posted 2024-12-13 16:44:49
Accepted, and approved.

petal the forestwing

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