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Small EXP gain for losing battles

Posted 2020-11-21 11:46:58

Support! Losing a battle when the enemy was 1 bite away from being defeated is a pain AND then having to use all that healing salve is horrible


Posted 2020-11-21 12:40:30

Massive support. I actually find it funny folks would say it wouldnt be realistic to gain from a lost battle. But, uh? You do learn something each time you fail at something, and that's a gain. You dont learn only by succeeding, you learn by messing up. So learning a little each time you lose a battle makes perfect sense to me. 


Posted 2021-07-21 09:10:05

Adding support to this. It's just common sense to learn something from your life experiences even if you don't achieve what you set out to do, and it would work as a game mechanic because it can already be a struggle for new users to make any sort of progress levelling as they'll lack healing items and have low-stat wolves to start with.


Posted 2022-06-25 06:38:01
Yes fully suppport! This is 100% my biggest complaint!!!


Posted 2022-11-18 17:10:11
Support, why should I not gain xp from winning a lvl 12+ enemy with only 1Hp left (along with using lucky foot)? Or - Why should I not get experience (even if small) for getting my butt kicked from a lvl3 condor despite being lvl 12+?

† ʀɪᴘ †

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