Maybe a price change or something?
Maybe a price change or something?
Posted 2020-11-10 14:57:24
I understand the need to have users pay real currency to help support the game but it really ruins it for those of us that can't pay. Its so expensive to increase territory size, just when I thought I was making progress I did a reroll then wasnt able to tend to my pack that day. Now 4 of them are gone can't afford to bring them back so now I'm out 3 hunters and my herbalist. Nesting material is now 10 items instead of 6 and buying nesting material is also expensive. Diagnosing disease and illness seems oddly expensive to me I also feel like it doesn't fit with the rest of the game economy. You can't sell wolves for dirt even if they have decent stats which makes it harder to earn more money. I know its in poor taste to complain about game currency but damn if it isnt frustrating. |
![]() Corvis #26026 |
Posted 2020-11-10 15:19:57
I don't really see any sort of suggestion here? This seems more like you're just ranting.... |
![]() kase #3095 |
Posted 2020-11-10 15:23:56
My suggestion is for them to reconsider the pricings. The ranting bits are just the experiences that I've had that other players may also face,which could ultimately lead to them becoming discouraged and no longer playing the game. |
![]() Corvis #26026 |
Posted 2020-11-10 15:36:22
I support this. Even as someone who does use real currency to buy GC to trade for SC, it is crazy expensive to get anywhere in this game as far as pack expansion goes. They definitely need to nerf prices or make trade items more valuable even just to the raccoon. |
![]() RipWheeler #11528 |
Posted 2020-11-10 15:43:53
I would LOVE lower prices but also it's like, really easy to make money on Wolvden. I've made far more on a week of wolden than I would've on Lioden so I wonder if the trade off is fair? |
![]() Alan Dracula #15797 |
Posted 2020-11-10 15:57:32
You don't exactly need to use GC to play, it does make it a little easier but you can get by just playing actively and taking full advantage on exploring, hunting and rescouting. Once you have a hunting team with decent synergy and stats, it's easy to get extra food you can sell to other players. WD is a little slow at first, but it's meant to be that way. You just need to be little selective on which explore encounters to choose to get items you need, you get a lot of feathers from exploring and also from rescoting and those are easy way to make nesting material. Diagnosing also gets cheaper as herbalist proficiency grows and eventually it is free. Just get caves to separate a sick wolf to prevent the illness from spreading. I recommend selling extra carcasses one by one in TC 3-4 SC per use, I've had good luck with people buying those for quests they need. There are also other good guides about how to make SC, I recommend checking those. |
![]() Kahvinporo #489 |
Posted 2020-11-10 16:13:04
i can see you're a very new player! yes, money making is very difficult in the beginning of wolvden. its even harder when you don't have hunters. but while i understand the frustration, den prices have actually been adjusted a few times through beta! it's also something of a late-game money sink. trust me, while it is teeth grinding now, once you get into the groove, you WILL be making good money. i'll address your other issues too Now 4 of them are gone can't afford to bring them back so now I'm out 3 hunters and my herbalist. losing your packmates is rough. it is also stupid expensive- so i wouldn't complain about a price change there. however, the game warns you at least once if your wolves are getting ready to leave in your daily rollover summary. i understand you were unexpectedly busy that day, but it is also a thing the game warns you about, not just in the summary but in your den, and the home page as well. Nesting material is now 10 items instead of 6 and buying nesting material is also expensive. exploring and scouting/rescouting give tons of feathers. they still take awhile to build up, but there are some guides on explore encounters you can check to see which choices will give you what items. check this one by the grouse house. and while i know you could call this a breeding game, i'm going to be a little blunt here and say if you don't have the food, space, or material to spare for puppies, you shouldn't be shooting for more puppies while you're already struggling because they eat up food and amusement items at breakneck speeds. Diagnosing disease and illness seems oddly expensive to me the more proficiency your herbalist gets, the price will begin to drop. at around 80% proficiency, diagnoses' become free. but there are multiple threads on the way illnesses are either too common or not common enough, so illnesses definitely need a change. |
![]() »∘ dynne ∘« #1984 |
Posted 2020-11-10 18:49:06
Thank you to everyone that gave helpful information and tips! I really appreciate it and will be checking out the guide links! |
![]() Corvis #26026 |