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Auction House Low Gen T3 T* New Patches/Pies

Auction House Low Gen T3 T* New Patches/Pies
Posted 2024-12-11 10:25:00 (edited)
Keeping up on TC bumping is too cumbersome so I figured I'd run an auction house instead for me and my gf's extra wolves.

Current ad:
G2 Pointed Patches 2M Opossum Orca


You can place bids on unweaned pups in Nursery and Valetudinarium! Weaned wolves will be in Vagabond Motel and Servi.

Legionnaire's Legacy


1. Abbreviations: SB (starting bid), CB (current bidder), BO (buyout), TC (trading center), NIB (no inbreeding).
2. The picture takes you to their page!
3. All wolves are NIB.
4. Minimum of 10sc value increase per bid.
5. If there is no increase in the bid within 72 hours after Lunar Event end the bid closes.
6. If you would like a pup or adol trained I can do it myself/make it a traveler for you (if it's an adol). Same for adult pupsitter (cannot accommodate adult herbalist/hunters at this time).
7. Each Auction lasts until the end of the month's Lunar Event.
8. 1gc = 500sc, herb = 15sc, amusement = 5sc per use, food = 1sc per use; anything else DM me and I'll assign a value). I accept mixed offers.


1. Include the wolf's link, ID, or name in your bid as well as new current bid amount (to avoid "oops sorry I actually don't have that much" bids).
2. If you do not claim the wolf within 24 hours it will be sent to the prior bidder.
3. You can bid/BO with items as well. If wolf is unweaned then it will be sent to you as soon as it's weaned; if someone bids on it past the BO amount the BO will be raised and bidding will continue until the pup is of age to leave its mother.
4. If you wish to BO you can do so on their TC page.
5. If I feel a wolf is worth far more than their current bid I may extend the auction to not take a loss.

Featured wolves:

G3 T2 Split Patches 8M Panda Double Merle HUSKY EYES

SB - 500sc
CB - #149087 at 500sc
BO - 6gc

G2 T3 Caribou 6M Black Ghast White Wraith Red Tamaskan Unders Crotalus Eyes

SB - 700sc
CB -
BO - 8gc

G3 T3 Striped Flint 7M Double Tamaskan Ghast Crotalus

SB - 300sc
CB -
BO - 5gc

G2 T2 Pointed Patches 2M Opossum Orca UNWEANED

SB - 10gc
CB - #148982 at 11gc
BO - 20gc

G4 Patches Pointed Bloodhound Eyes 5M

SB - 1gc
CB - #148982 at 2gc
BO - 15gc

G3 T3 Caribou 3M Tamaskan

SB - 300sc
CB -
BO - 3gc

G3 T3 Chromium 5M raffle marks

SB - 50sc
CB -
BO - 500sc or 1gc

G4 T3 Apex 4M

SB - 50sc
CB -
BO - 300sc or 1gc

G4 T3 Slate 5M Tamaskan

SB - 100sc
CB -
BO - 1gc

G3 T3 Caribou 5M Ghast Wraith Inuit

SB - 100sc
CB -
BO - 1gc

G5 T1 Albino Ghast Cross

SB - 100sc
CB -
BO - 1gc

G4 T3 Striped Flint 3M Sappho Wild Stripes

SB - 100sc
CB -
BO - 1gc

without the three *'s in pic link 

<*a href="LINK URL"><*img src="IMAGE ADDRESS" width=400><*/a>
SB -
CB -
BO -

Posted 2024-12-11 13:32:53
I'll bid SB on the Megalodon 4M White Merle
SB on the Caribou 4M Double Wraith Red Tamaskan

Posted 2024-12-11 16:32:25 (edited)
I would like to bid 11gc on the pointed patch's, ID #11553492, I have a good bit of T3 pups I can send over. All the pups in a trade are the ones I'm willing to bid ( IF you accept wolfs, if not than just the gc)

🔥🌑 Crow_The_Pan 🌑🔥

Posted 2024-12-11 16:37:18
I'm not totally opposed to wolves; gave your den a look but didn't see any that fit the breeding program at this time .

Posted 2024-12-11 16:42:27
Alr! Just let me know if you decide to take them or not, my T* can also be added to my offer if need!

T* ankult

T* Artemis

🔥🌑 Crow_The_Pan 🌑🔥

Posted 2024-12-11 22:48:22
If you end up finding any caribou antlers you wanna sell I'd be extremely interested (they go for like 15+ gc atm)

Posted 2024-12-23 12:20:39 (edited)
I would like to bid 2gc of the other pointed patch's, #11565080 please!

🔥🌑 Crow_The_Pan 🌑🔥

Posted 2024-12-31 18:50:14
I'll bid on the ID #11507555 G4 T2 Mottled 4M Selene Inuit Cross for 15sc!


Posted 2024-12-31 20:21:25
I'll send them to Lucky to add officially later but I have a TON of just weaned low gen T3s link.

Posted 2025-01-03 23:35:34
I'll take the SB of 500 SC for the G3 split husky eyes

Howling Fox

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