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Why Do You Love Your Friends?

Why Do You Love Your Friends?
Posted 2020-09-28 11:18:00

 Kinda of inspired by another forum post here. But I was just thinking to myself... What makes you love and appreciate your friends? Bring in the wholesome content I crave. Personally, I love my friends because they're always there to listen to me and don't make me feel like the odd one our since I hyperfixate on things and can be hard to follow. But they still try their best to love and support me through everything. 


Posted 2020-09-28 15:08:56
I love my friends cause they put up with me. When my mental illness gets bad, they don't turn away from me, they stick by my side and help me through it. I also love my friends cause they simply make me laugh and smile, at the most silliest of things, when it's needed the most. <3


Posted 2020-09-28 15:50:08

Yuzu that is so wholesome! I am really happy for you that you have people in your life who love and support you in ways that you need. 


Posted 2020-10-04 08:15:22

I love my friends because I was an outcast and no one liked me. I was really depressed at the time and my mental health got to bad. When I met them we started hanging out everyday its been three years now and they practically live with us and without them, I'd hate to see where I'd be. 


Posted 2021-09-22 11:12:14
I know, this might be little old thread but still! I want to tell strangers that my friends are the best. Lets call them A, J, K, S and F. And then my boyfriend Z.

Why i love A?
I love A because she is the one and only reason i had fun when i was depressed and in school. She is the right person for me and makes me smile everytime. Everything is so easy with her and she supports me and my stupid ideas most of the time 100% and when not, she have some good reason and often she is the wise and can talk me back when i want to do something stupid.

Why i love J?
J is our friendgroups therapist, she can and will ask those hurtfull but needed questions like "are you happy now?" when you are really not and been lying to everyone. She is our mom. I can count on her in every moment. And she also have those stupid ideas so A will rip her hair of wqhen trying to talk us down.

Why i love K?
She is my newest friend, we have so much common, starting with same birthday and ending in similar world view. She is my long lost sister and I love her for that. She is my brain and im her. We tell everything to eachother when drinking huge amounts of tea. Yes, she has poor taste on that, but hey, not everyone can be perfect and atleast she doesnt like coffee :D

Why i love S?
S is my first friend, thats all. They are my first and I tell them everything! They are my rock. If everything else goes south, i fell like i can still trust them. Sadly, we grew little apart and i dont talk with them that much anymore

Why i love F?
Because she nows so much about me and i about her. We now each other dirty secrets and things we are insecure. And i think she is the reason im here, she was for me in the internet when i felt alone in IRL and i like to think that she feels the same way.

And then Z
Why i wouldnt love him? I count him as my friend but some way he is more special. We have year worth of being there for eachother when the whole world didnt know what we faced. He is cute, stupid, stubborn and annoying, but when he is not, he is the most sweetest man in the world. When he talks about "our baby" (plushie), when he is sad or worried and when im feeling blue and he does anything in the world just so i would smile the shortest time.

And i feel everyone should think these questions. why they love their frends and companions and pets. And if u dont figure out any reasons, even the smallest and stupidest, i feel like then is good time to ask if u really are their friend because you want to be friends with them or not!

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