TC items (TROPHIES!)
Posted 2020-12-18 20:48:49
Just let me know. Please. |
-Celtic Gem- #27331 |
Posted 2020-12-18 20:53:56
Went ahead and took a look- aloe and turm seems to be selling for 20 sc each;, chap, guac, and kava for 30 each, buffaloberry 5 sc each. So all in all that would be quite a bit and I value sc at 50 per 1 gc. But I'm more than happy to haggle with you. |
🌼 Hayley 🌼 #8642 |
Posted 2020-12-18 21:15:44 (edited)
What would you like for 2 winterfat? edit: nevermind, I got my hands on some! |
Battle_Burrito #30929 |
Posted 2020-12-18 21:23:56
Just for future reference, how much for nesting material? |
Voltage #21226 |
Posted 2020-12-19 05:17:33
@volt probably about 30 sc! |
🌼 Hayley 🌼 #8642 |
Posted 2020-12-19 06:08:04
Hello!!! Is there any way that I could buy 5 nesting material? Anything less than the 60SC each is fine with me!! |
OwO #15612 |
Posted 2020-12-19 06:15:05
🌼 Hayley 🌼 #8642 |
Posted 2020-12-19 06:17:35
I'm fairly low on amusement items, how much for a hearty batch of let's say bones, talons and feathers? Or really just whatever you've got with full use. |
Scarlet #14763 |
Posted 2020-12-19 06:18:05
Thank you so much!! |
OwO #15612 |
Posted 2020-12-19 06:34:46
@owo thanks so much!! @scarlet I have a lot of amusement! Did you have a rough estimate on how many you wanted or how much you wanted to spend? |
🌼 Hayley 🌼 #8642 |