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never ending cheat code!

Posted 2021-05-26 17:49:32

then create a new account after going to a new ip address, and make your wolf as ugly as possible. name it "gc"


Posted 2021-05-26 18:03:57

Then spend 50 years trading, buying, breeding, and stuff to get 180 GC yourself and then use it all on buying at the Grove before getting a new account and starting all the steps yet AGAIN. You will get unlimited GC and SC after all steps, if you don't remember.

✨ Pinecone 🌲 [HAITUS]

Posted 2021-05-26 18:08:43

but then you have to keep wolvden open while playing minecraft and train for another 100 years to defeat the ender dragon


Posted 2021-05-27 11:59:43

By then you must turn back into a living person because you are 150+ years old and have been long dead bc you died early. 

Get revenge for no apparent reason, including finding a vaccine for the sickness that killed ya.

Keep going, there are more steps ahead.

✨ Pinecone 🌲 [HAITUS]

Posted 2021-05-27 12:36:02

and then you must go fish for a fish that tops the leaderboards. once you do that do it again till you have the top 5 fish for a catagory. 

further instructions will follow


Posted 2021-05-27 12:38:18

Catch 18 legendary fish and hack the system to add them all to the slot machine for 5 days.

DOn'T gEt CaUgHt By ThE pOlIcE oR yOu MuSt ReStArT tHiS sTeP.

✨ Pinecone 🌲 [HAITUS]

Posted 2021-05-27 12:41:01
Then you must re-introduce yourself to the family you have. in=f none of them are named quarantina, convince them to change their name. this is the most important step 


Posted 2021-05-27 12:41:54

make your starter wolf catch 10 different diseases, then stuff as much wolves as possible into one cave to make them all infected. you should be getting a message in your inbox now.


Posted 2021-05-27 12:42:41

ONE of da most important steps-

BUT REMEMBER... IF YOU GET ANYTHING WRONG- And I mean ANYTHING ANYTHING - You shall fail. Restart if you fail, but chances may be lower.

(Ahhh, this is so fun making up ways to torture someone with a fake never-ending cheat code)

✨ Pinecone 🌲 [HAITUS]

Posted 2021-05-27 12:47:39

Once you get the message, there will be a button that kills all of your wolves upon clicking it. Spam-click it so it kills everyone's wolves, then go into the main chat and spam "ooga booga" until the mods interfere.

·˖˚ Rainii ˚˖·

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