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Chaotic nights (priv rp with freaky freaks)

Posted 5 days ago
Shark hesitates, looking over at Brutus, who jumps over to Silver, making noises similar to laughing. Shark looks between Brutus and Silver, not really knowing what to do. Playing with Brutus felt better because he's never been rude to him, and even when he has, Brutus never cowered, just challenged Shark. This felt awkward to him.
James rolls back over and sits up, tail still wagging. He looks at Raven before looking at the cubs and kit. He then stands up practically trots with his head held high back to Raven


Posted 5 days ago
Silvers tail twitched for a second, then she did the little play bow thing, giving shark a mildly hopeful look, she figured Brutus would play, Brutus wasn't mean, kinda goofy in her opinion, Shark- well she was pretty sure shark just wasn't very social.

Raven looked at James with mild amusement and shifted slightly so he could comfortably lay next to her, then returned her gaze to the 3.

Ghost of the lost

Posted 5 days ago
Shark looks at Brutus, and when Brutus gives him a nods and a play bow meant for the two, he copies and looks back at Silver. He does the play bow, a lot more hesitant than Silver or Brutus, but he still did it. Brutus immediately beams, this was a start, good.

James lays right against Raven, happy and content.


Posted 5 days ago
the smile that went of silvers face, was bigger then a beam or a grin, actually, it was so wide it looked like she might fall over, she didn't just jump right into playing though, she was still unsure if shark was actually gonna play with her, probably the first time she had ever even played with her brother- other then ice- who usually just hurt her by the end of it, not that he could do that now..

raven was oh so comfy

Ghost of the lost

Posted 5 days ago
Brutus stands back up, nudging Shark as if to urge him on. Shark stands back up as well. He lifts one of his paws, swiping at Silver, though making it wouldn't hurt her. Brutus huffs and rolls his eyes. "Fight!" He cheers, a undertone of begging hidden in his voice.

James comfy next to Raven, loving it.


Posted 5 days ago
Silver beamed and sorta darted sideways and nudging him, it wasn't rough, like she was being careful, she wasn't sure if he was okay, wasn't sure if he was healed or not, so she was being careful.

(I love silver now..)

Ghost of the lost

Posted 5 days ago
Shark flinches at the touch, it still hurt, just not as much as before, thankfully. He growls, one that Brutus had to come to know as his playful yet threatening sound. It was meant to have no harm to it, only to be playful yet scary at the same time.

(If only you could have been like that for Ice. Killed him off real quick )


Posted 5 days ago
Silver hesitated slightly when he flinched, backing off a bit, unsure, she didn't wanna accidently hurt him- what if she did and then he snaps at her? Then all of whatever progress is happening now is gone!

(silver just needed.. a bit of trauma..)

Ghost of the lost

Posted 5 days ago
Shark looks back at Brutus before looking at Silver. He then turns to walk off. Maybe it wasn't the best idea.. Brutus pauses, his joy falling away. "Shark?" He watches Shark, confused. But when Shark plops down near Raven and James, looking sad, he stops. He looks back at Silver, not knowing what to do.

(And Shark was the perfect one to give her trauma)


Posted 5 days ago
Silver pauses again dangit! I messed it up again! bad silver! bad silver! she scolded herself, her ears slightly dropped and her tail stopped moving, she didn't want shark to go away!

Raven frowned "what happened?" she murmured putting her head beside Sharks

Ghost of the lost

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