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Chaotic nights (priv rp with freaky freaks)

Posted 15 hours ago
Anya pauses and looks at Wren, huffing. "You do not demand things of me." She steps towards Wren and backing away and turning to leave. "But I will be leaving. I will be back though." She growls at them before turning to her giant ass wolf form and running off, probably to go find something to eat. Maybe she could trick humans into thinking she was some God's messenger and so they need to feed her in order to please the god and her.. Or she could just attack the village and demand food or else they would die. Second option seemed quicker.


Posted 15 hours ago
Wren watched them leave, then looked back at the two. "Am I the only one who thought she was mildly attractive?" She said. Raven started laughing while she shifted to human. "Leave it to you, to think every scary thing is pretty" Raven joked, she was just annoyed at how full of themself the large wolf thing had been, oh I'm a big bad terrifying beastttt, SO AM I DUMBASS! Hmph

Ghost of the lost

Posted 15 hours ago
James stayed in his wolf form, just watching where Anya left. Great, now he was scared to be alone. He looks up at Raven and pushed himself closer, trying to curl around her feet. He lets out a small whine mixed with a wince.

Anya huffed. Stupid human. They all need to die. She reaches a small village quickly, her large steps dragging her body faster. She stalked into their town square, snarling loudly for food. They all looked in fear and offered food to keep themselves safe. Good, just how it's meant to be. One of the pesky human children got too close, trying to pet her. But she wasn't going to let than slide. She quickly snatched the child up, crunching down and letting the top half of the child's body fall to the ground before snatching it up. She loved it, the chewy guts and the sweet oh so sweet blood. It was too good. The blood dripped onto the fall as the other humans stared in horror. She loved the looks of fear. But now she wanted humans.. Time to take.


Posted 15 hours ago
(Wrens new objective: pet Anya)

Raven was now just petting James on the head "you worry to much, that think would of been absolutely mauled in a couple seconds, I'm actually surprised the pack didn't spawn in like, hello there" she joked.

Wren rolled her eyes "Yall are such doofs, completely made for each other" she mused

(GOD DAMN THO- I could of been more Gorey.. hmmmm)

Ghost of the lost

Posted 15 hours ago
(She's gonna end up like that kid then)

"I was gonna be eaten!" He whines yet relaxes and pushes into the pets. He didn't pay attention to Wren, just focused on the good pets. His tail started to wag, brushing along the dirt and grass.

Anya, soon finished with her quick rampage, turns to her half and half, stretching and yawning. She walks through the now empty village, not caring for when she gets her paws and fur covered legs covered in blood. She had left one alone, the priest. She was mean, but not that mean to mess with someone who prays to their God.

(I didn't want to over-do it )


Posted 14 hours ago
(Ha, just wait)

"No your weren't! She wasn't even that big! I was taller than her! Easy to smack!" She replied with a shake of her head, kinda amusing, drama liked to follow her it seems.

Wren rolled her eyes, starting off into the trees, no need to be here nowww

Ghost of the lost

Posted 14 hours ago
(Hell yeah)

"A SMACK?!" James looks up at Raven in almost horror. That's how she planned to fight back? To smack that giant wolf? Oh hell no, he was running next time they saw her.

Anya went to leave the village, but then the priest was almost vomiting prayers for her. And hell no, she wasn't one of God's children or whatever they called them. She ran to him and put her hand on his chest, knocking him down to the ground. She grins as the man's ribs creak under the pressure. She forces her hand down more, hearing a satisfying crush and the screams of pain. Blood flowed from the wound like a fountain. Her claws dig in, tearing out some of the broken ribs. She could see the man's heart, pumping so fast that it looked like it could explode any second. She licks her lips as she pushes the ribs away, digging in and grabbing it. She was quick to eat it, not wasting any second. The blood dripped back onto the man's body, it continued to pump as her teeth sank in and tore bits to eat. Yummy. Once finished the heart, she continues to dig around. She fully rips open the man, snapping off the non-broken ribs to give her more room. The blood, oh there was so much blood, the crimson red liquid that flowed from the man's body to her hands, to the ground around the two.
And with that, the man was finally dead.


Posted 14 hours ago
"Calm downnnnn, gosh, I could have actually faught, but I don't LIKE to, also. I didn't want her to get to close to you, because apparently your an easy target" she huffed wrapping her arms around his neck as she sat down and kinda just cuddled em.

(Ok that, that was unattractive, very unattractive- I'm keeping wren away now 😂)

Ghost of the lost

Posted 14 hours ago
James leaned into the cuddle, curling up around Raven the best he can. "I run, don't fight. I am terrified of fighting, so of course I am a easy target." He huffs, but somewhat out of amusement.

(Hey, man, she's gotta eat somehow. Wren just needs to be careful.. And by careful, I mean.. like half way across the world and then they can talk without violence?)


Posted 14 hours ago
"Yea, I can see that" Raven chuckled with the same amused expression she used when looking at playing pups.!

(Mmm, she's nit getting wren, I regret agreeing to this ship- she's to violent for poor wren-)

Ghost of the lost

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