"not unfair,smart" whisper replied tapping sages head almost getting her hand bit. "uh huh,also,can we acknowledge how OBSESSED chris is? he's like a stalker!" sage grumbled. "right? like so glad y'all broke up,or well he left you to die,now I get to save you from him constantly" whisp replied quietly leading her through the wall door and sneaking along the hall her tone never changing from neutral.
Hyacinth pauses, stuck in thoughts as he tries to remember. "Oh fuck-" Is all he says when he can't remember. Key huffs a small laugh. "Go get Mother to help, or one of your boyfriends." Hyacinth pauses, confused by the boyfriends but until it lands. "The Warden's are not my boyfriends! I was made to serve them!" He tries to explain, only to earn a roll of the eyes (or eye in this case) from Key
Once out sage instead started dragging whisper "cmon,lets get out of here,I've got stuff to do!" she said and whisper raised her eyebrows. "oh? like what?" she replied "uh- stuff!" sage huffed the smallest bit of pink on her face like a kid caught eating candy. "oooooop... something,no don't tell me,someone? did you make a friend!" whisper gasped acting very surprised.
"What about that Ardor? Isn't he the Warden of love, or something like that?" Key questions, watching as Zeth just runs around playing with the ball. "Ardor? Oh, you mean Zohutek. He's the Sential of love and the bringer of blossoming. On our world at lest." Hyacinth hums a response. It was quiet for once, just him, Key, and Zeth all outside without Zaman and Crypt beating each other up. Peaceful.
"shut up! jeez! I just made a small friend clam the hell down!" sage snapped and whisper flinched "so wait I'm sorry-" she added "its fine,you really gotta get your anger problems fixed" whisper replied with the fakest smile to exist.
"What even happened to your world? My species is from your world, as well as Zaman and Crypt." Key makes a move to lay down on the stairs, it's uncomfortable to most but he finds it nice. Hyacinth pauses before speaking up. "That is a story you would ask Mother." He was hesitant, almost scared to speak
"yea yea I know" sage grumbled keeping her tone more calm. "you can go without me,no ones gonna catch me anyway and I need to go get onyx" whisper muttered and slipped away from sage who frowned damnit sage,you scared her off again! she scolded herself watching whisper leave.
Key hesitates but nods, falling silent almost before speaking up suddenly. "What were the Wardens like..?" Hyacinth pauses before taking a deep breath and speaking. "Some were nice, some were mean. But none ever made war, I was "bounded" to Zohutek, serving him and only him unless he asked me to server another. While Mother was "bounded" to Serphelius, the Angelic Warden, the sntinel or Rebirth and Balance"
"Serphelius sounds nice.." Key mumbles, sitting up and watching Zeth continue to run around a bite the ball. Hyacinth nods. "They were. Both were good, both were nice.." His wings spread out, stretching before folding back against his body.