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The Hunted (Roleplay)

The Hunted (Roleplay)
Posted 2024-12-27 18:30:39 (edited)

NOTE: This roleplay is based off of Marvel movies/series, but doesn't exactly tie perfectly with the movies and series.

Years after the fall of Hydra, its remnants remain hidden but active, operating in the shadows to regain their former power. Their latest focus is Operation Eclipse, a doomsday weapon capable of reshaping the world through fear and devastation. The final pieces Hydra needs to complete this plan are scattered among three individuals: James "Bucky" Barnes, Aleksei Volkova, and Elara Kane.

Unaware of their shared connection, the trio finds themselves hunted by Hydra's forces. As the characters are drawn together, they must uncover the truth behind Operation Eclipse, why they were chosen, and how to stop Hydra's plan once and for all.

Characters below are simply ideas that can be modified if you don't like certain traits about them. If you would like to use one, make up your own, or alter one feel free! Please make it easy to tie into the storyline!

James "Bucky" Barnes (The Winter Soldier): played by: Shunka Warak'in
• Backstory: Once Hydra's most effective weapon, Bucky has spent years wrestling with the guilt of his actions as the Winter Soldier. Now free from their control, he is determined to atone, even if it means facing the darkest parts of his past.
• Role in the Plot: Bucky's mind contains fragments of memories tied to Operation Eclipse. These suppressed memories include passcodes, locations of key facilities, and knowledge of Hydra's ultimate plan, making him a critical target.
• Personality:
• Stoic and guarded, Bucky struggles to trust but is fiercely protective of his allies.
• Haunted by guilt, he constantly strives for redemption.
• His sharp, dry wit adds levity to tense situations.
• Relationships:
• With Aleksei: Bucky sees Aleksei as a reflection of his own trauma, creating both empathy and tension. He respects Aleksei's skills but struggles with Aleksei's resentment of him.
• With Elara: Bucky is intrigued by Elara's detached demeanor but finds her hard to trust. Her pragmatic approach forces him to reevaluate his emotional struggles.
Aleksei Volkova (The Revenant) played by: N/A
• Backstory: Aleksei was Hydra's failed attempt to replicate the Winter Soldier. Enhanced with heightened senses and superhuman reflexes, he was deemed unstable and placed in cryogenic stasis until recently. Now free, Aleksei is on a mission to destroy Hydra and find his place in the world.
• Role in the Plot: Aleksei's cybernetic enhancements house a hidden Hydra data chip containing activation protocols for Operation Eclipse, making him an invaluable piece of Hydra's plan.
• Personality:
• Reserved and brooding, Aleksei rarely speaks, but his words carry weight.
• Deeply conflicted, he struggles to reconcile his humanity with the weapon Hydra tried to make him.
• His dark, sarcastic humor often catches others off guard.
• Relationships:
• With Bucky: Aleksei views Bucky as both a rival and an ally. He envies Bucky's freedom but resents him for being Hydra's "success." Over time, they develop mutual respect.
• With Elara: Aleksei admires Elara's precision and calm demeanor but is unnerved by her emotional detachment. Their interactions often oscillate between cooperation and tension.


Elara Kane (The Shadow Operative) played by: N/A
• Backstory: Known as "Ghost," Elara was Hydra's ultimate infiltrator, trained to operate in complete secrecy. Her abilities came at the cost of emotional suppression, leaving her detached and cold. After Hydra abandoned her during a mission, she began piecing together her fractured identity.
• Role in the Plot: Hydra implanted a suppressed memory in Elara, containing the coordinates of Operation Eclipse's final facility. As she begins to recover this memory, Hydra's forces close in.
• Personality:
• Calm and calculated, Elara relies on logic and precision.
• Though emotionally distant, she is curious about the bonds between her allies and quietly attempts to understand them.
• Pragmatic to a fault, she often prioritizes results over sentiment, which can cause friction.
• Relationships:
• With Bucky: Bucky's emotional struggles intrigue Elara, though she finds them illogical. Their interactions push her to reconsider the value of emotional connection.
• With Aleksei: Elara respects Aleksei's methodical approach but struggles with his emotional intensity. Their contrasting perspectives create tension but also mutual admiration.

Hydra's goal is to use Operation Eclipse to rebuild their power and terrify the world into submission. What begins as a mission to stop a single operation quickly reveals itself to be part of a much larger plan.

Key Plot Elements
• The Coordinates and Memory Fragments:
Each character holds a vital piece of the puzzle, whether through suppressed memories or personal items that point to Hydra facilities housing components of Operation Eclipse.
• Hydra's Pursuit:
Hydra deploys elite operatives, advanced technology, and other remnants of their organization to retrieve the characters and their fragments.
• The Final Facility:
The last set of coordinates leads to a hidden Hydra base in a remote, inhospitable location. Inside lies the heart of Operation Eclipse—a weapon capable of devastating cities or rewriting the global order.

Twists and Tensions
• Moral Dilemmas: Bucky and Aleksei must face the roles they played in Hydra's atrocities, while Elara struggles with her lack of emotional connection to the group.
• Betrayals and Secrets: As suppressed memories surface, shocking truths about the characters' pasts threaten to divide the group.
• The Cost of Redemption: Each character must decide what they are willing to sacrifice to stop Hydra and reclaim their identities.

There will be a badass leader of Hydra soon!

This was brainstormed and made with the help of Chat GPT.

About Hydra


Out Of Character: link
Character Sheets: link


Posted 2024-12-28 17:07:04
(Hey y'all! Sorry the roleplay above might be a little confusing, but I'll clean it up when a couple people have joined!)

"No! No, no not again, why?"

The eerie rumbling sounds of automobiles that emerged out of the open window felt faded, muffled from James Buchanan's own mind screaming. Screaming. Not again! Screaming, screaming!

He sat below the open window, gasping for oxygen as he sweat buckets onto the floor. 3DVC-I8Z9-AU78-3FNF, 3DVC-I8Z9-AU78-3FNF.
His mind repeated those characters subconsciously. 3DVC-I8Z9-AU78-3FNF, 3DVC-18- "Stop!" He screamed out load, blaring through the empty room which he rented the week before.

Why now? Why here? Wasn't I done with this? What does it mean? He panted as he crossed his legs, his head drooping over his body like a dead goose.

An event had happened earlier, he knew, that triggered this, this, he didn't even know what to call it. But he knew he was shot at, multiple times actually, will he was walking downtown.



Posted 2025-01-10 06:45:32

looked over his shoulder as he walked along the side walk his hazel eyes wide with fear I should be scared..I just broke out of that shit hole goddamit! he shook his head and started to feel light head with anxiety about hydra finding him
Raven-skys🌈 🏳️‍🌈

Posted 2025-01-10 08:49:25
adam ran his fingers through his hair and quickly slipped into a near by ally way to hide and catch his breath
Raven-skys🌈 🏳️‍🌈

Posted 2025-01-10 08:53:27

Bucky woke up quietly. Was it a dream? he thought, sitting on a chair in the middle of the night.

He listened through the window. He didn't feel tired, which was odd.
The shuffling sound of footsteps was heard through an ally. Odd.


Posted 2025-01-10 09:01:17
adam took a shakily breath and ran his fingers through his scruffy hair once more before sitting down, his eyes wide with panic just fucking relax adam! he  shook his head and looked around the area he was in before getting up and started to pace around the ally
Raven-skys🌈 🏳️‍🌈

Posted 2025-01-10 09:16:58
The super soldier was now peering through the window, seeing the man pacing like a caged tiger in the ally. Something's off. "Stairs or jump out the window like a superhero?" Bucky chuckled to himself.


Posted 2025-01-10 09:18:38
adam looked around and jumped out of his skin as a mouse squeaked he shook his head annoyed with himself for being so jumpy, he winced and rubbed his head its still pretty sore.. he huffed and kept sitting in the ally afraid if he walked out he would get caught right away
Raven-skys🌈 🏳️‍🌈

Posted 2025-01-10 09:24:36
Ah, who gives two shits anyways.

James opened the window more, as quiet as he could, and climbed out of it skillfully. He hung there for a second, scanning the area carefully for threats. He stared at the man for moments. He seemed, jumpy.


Posted 2025-01-10 09:27:01 (edited)
adam froze as he felt like he was being watched he shook it off and sat back up to nervous to be sitting still he looked over the the ally exit and held his breath "what if they just find me anyway?' he mumbled to himself and pushed the thought away oh god please don't let them spot me! and continued paceing
Raven-skys🌈 🏳️‍🌈

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