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Raise & Chase

Posted 2022-12-24 07:49:40
Chased 12.24.22
6 Raffles Chased for me by tshane2005 #75255

4M Saffron Male 1YR - DUST+RC

3M Russet Male 1YR - DUST+WL

8M Sepia Female 1YR - WW+RC+RWH+BL

5M Skarn Male 1YR - RC+RWH+AC

7M Pecan Male 1YR - RC+RWH+BL

7M Sepia Male 1YR - RC+BP+RWH


Posted 2022-12-24 07:53:10
Chasing this female Caelum yearling.


Posted 2022-12-24 09:57:22
Chasing now:

Amber female with double Merle

Serpentine female with Black Panda
2nd pic

Serpentine male with Double Panda and double Wings
2nd pic


Posted 2022-12-24 10:37:43
T1 Willow 1yr Female 7m | Unsold G3

Base Willow (0.73%)
Base Genetics Muted Medium I
Eyes Gray
Skin Black
Nose Lusxnei
Claws Black

Slot 1 Brown Snout (22% : T1)
Slot 2 None
Slot 3 Selene Lupos (62% : T3)
Slot 4 Diana Carnage (47% : T3)
Slot 5 Caelum Smudge Heavy (48% : T3)
Slot 6 None
Slot 7 None
Slot 8 Artemis Sallander (65% : T3)
Slot 9 Airglow Ornate Blotches (59% : T3)
Slot 10 Yellow Inuit Unders (37% : T7)

T1 Brown 1yr Female 7m | Unsold G3

Base Brown (2.05%)
Base Genetics Warm Dark I
Eyes Orange
Skin Lusxnei
Nose Apollo
Claws White

Slot 1 Ducat Tamaskan Unders (41% : T6)
Slot 2 Turquoise Smoke (76% : T3)
Slot 3 None
Slot 4 Diana Carnage (71% : T3)
Slot 5 Caelum Smudge Heavy (48% : T3)
Slot 6 None
Slot 7 Gray Inuit Unders (8% : T7)
Slot 8 None
Slot 9 Gray Inuit Unders (83% : T7)
Slot 10 Yellow Inuit Unders (1% : T7)

R+C Count: 534

Ursa | Offline Until 12th

Posted 2022-12-24 12:39:45
Chasing these yearlings now I have a few more to go ran out of time to record!
24th Dec, 2022 12:38

Almond 2XPanda Merle 7M Blue Eyes Female Yearling

Antler WIP White Ghast Merle 6M Black Eyes Female Yearling

Apricot 2XPanda Merle 6M Blue Eyes Female Yearling

Blonde WIP Black Ghast Silver Trim Merle 6M Black Eyes Male Yearling

Honey WIP White Ghast Merle White Wings 7M Black Eyes Female Yearling


Posted 2022-12-24 14:03:38
Chasing now.
Would love pandolonis back if they are not yet another ones going to the trash bin.






Posted 2022-12-24 16:35:15 (edited)

8M T2 Galena female w/ Manicou

7M T2 Sphalerite male w/ Wings, Lupos

7M T2 Sphalerite male w/ Merle, Hetero W&B eyes

8M T1 Ashen female w/ Hetero W&B eyes    FOUND

7M T1 Birch male w/ Merle, Cougar    FOUND

7M T1 Amber male w/ 2x Merle

6M T2 Maltese female

Posted 2022-12-24 18:17:38
Age Rolls: 1 Bronze
Yearlings: 1 Opal, 2 Badger, 4 Seal, 1 Lily (I'd love to buy back the Lily)
5M Bronze Female 7YR 4.5MO - WW+SWH

6M Opal Male 1YR - DUST+RC

3M Badger Female 1YR - DUST

4M Badger Female 1YR - RC

4M Lily Male 1YR - SMOKE+RC
Would love an opportunity to buy this wolf back if it makes it into the chased pool, is found, and its catcher is selling! ↓↓↓

4M Seal Male 1YR - SMOKE

4M Seal Male 1YR - RWH+BL

5M Seal Male 1YR - SMOKE+RWH

6M Seal Female 1YR - RC


Posted 2022-12-24 21:16:42
Chasing these 6 yearling now:
24th Dec, 2022 21:14

Antler DIP Auburn Shaded Merle 8M Moonglow Eyes Female 1 year 2½ months

Dark Brown 4XPanda 7M Sapphire Eyes Female 1 year 2½ months

Vanilla White Ghast Merle 3M Hetero Black & White Eyes Female 1 year 6 months

Sarder Black Panda Merle Black Ghast 6M Green Eyes Female Yearling

Sterling 4XMerle Black Ghast 8M Black Eyes Male Yearling

Tawny Merle Black Ghast Silver Trim 7M SMOKE Eyes Male Yearling


Posted 2022-12-24 23:05:13
Chasing wolves #263-267 today

Rachan137 - Lusxnei skin; Verdigris claws; 6m including Gray Tamaskan Unders, Silver Carnage, Losna Aurora, White Tamaskan Unders, and Silver Wings Heavy  link

Rachan138 - Pecan (T2) base; Lusxnei skin and claws; 7m including Silver Elbow Patch, Black Inuit Unders, Luna Inverted Cross, Silver Carnage, Silver Trim, and Silver Shaded  link

Rachan139 - Dravite (T2) base; Selenite skin; Lusxnei claws; 7m including Dark Brown Lupos, Luna Inverted Cross, Silver Carnage, Silver Shaded, and Silver Trim  link

Rachel125 - Denim (T2) base; Lusxnei nose and claws; 7m including Silver Elbow Patch, Black Inuit Unders, Silver Carnage, White Tamaskan Unders, and Silver Wings Heavy  link

Rachel126 - Lusxnei skin and nose; 9m including Silver Elbow Patch, Black Inuit Unders, Silver Carnage, Silver Shaded, Clover Ornate Spots, White Tamaskan Unders, and Silver Wings Heavy  link

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