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Suspicious Bird Activity Association

Posted 2021-12-11 15:30:27
to be fair, some ravens IRL will lead wolves to carcasses of their own accord, so that one's not that unusual :P it's a sort of symbiotic relationship - the raven helps the wolves find an easy meal, and in return, the wolves help break open the carcass for the raven so it can get to the juicy bits!
i will note, though, that it appears that a magpie runs the lottery. i'm not sure if the picture displayed on the lottery page is just there for flavour or if the magpie pictured actually has something to do with the lottery, but it looks more like the latter to me, so. uh. do with that information what you will.

Posted 2022-03-08 13:35:03
Magpies are little thieves! Where did he get all that money for the lottery, huh? He definitely stole it! I've personally witnessed magpies stealing car keys from humans! Magpies are thugs. Be afraid!

Posted 2022-06-27 22:11:54
I was recently exploring and a raven brought me to a grouse carcass... Why would a raven kill a grouse and then lead a wolf to it immediately?

Froggy Lily

Posted 2022-07-02 07:23:58
My fellow birbs always somehow win in the fight. No matter what, even when I'm at the full HP and use a lucky foot, even a little level 6 Eagle. What are their secret powers? Why do they make me bleed at first hits?

In one of the forest biomes I traded an acorn to a little vulnerable birb. What it gave me? A whole shit 24 uses carcass. As stated by many, they're very buff just like wolves with the buff base.

What if they're.. werebirbs? Werewolves but werebirbs. What if.. Ok.

Ever thought what's beyond the Wolvden Map? What if ahead of the Glacier and Rainforest, lays the lands of Birden? Our biomes might be completely circled by Birden's territory, and that's out of where many buff birbs come out. Beyond our map comes infinity, THE infinity, the endless Birden grounds.

🦜 Birbz 🦜

Posted 2022-07-04 11:44:32 (edited)

A moment after seeing my wolf and setting off an alarm, this heron shares a duckling with me.. kinda strange??


Posted 2022-08-04 15:32:40
I encountered a northern goshawk today. I showed it where it's dinner was hiding and it gave me a healing salve!! Are all the birds herbalists now?? where did it get it?


Posted 2022-10-26 08:37:03
Actually, irl ravens and crows lead wolves to carcasses so that they can rip it open so they can all eat
Oliver (he/him)

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