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Sound Village Teachers for hire

Sound Village Teachers for hire
Posted 2 days ago (edited)

I am open to helping some folks on teaching their pups for their future roles.

I can help in two ways;

1st -  You can send yer pups over for my teachers to teach them (Make sure each pup has info somewhere in their info on what you want them trained for)
2nd - I can send my teacher over as a traveling wolf (This is so i can be sure i can get them back) where you can use them until yer done.

Teaching Timeline:
A pup or teacher can be kept between the ages of 2 and half months minimum to 11 and half months max.

That depends if you wish to give something.
I'm mostly interesting in trying to help folks in pup lessons and Apprentice work for those who aren't able to do it for any reason.
If you were to give me something for the time i've taken to work with yer pup(s) then yer free to give something when i complete the training.

Form fill out
Teaching method: [den call; i send my teacher wolf to you or enroll; you send yer pups to me]
Which roles to teach?
[tracker, chaser, finisher, herbalist, scout, pupsitter]
Students list [you can fill this out wany way you wish]
Duration? [How long to keep based on age]

Form example [Using a few of my mentors]

Teaching method: Enroll
Role lessons?
* Herbalist [wisdom] | VineReach
* Pupsitter [Speed] | MossStone
2.5 months - 6 months


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