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Battle Trophies: How do I get them?

Battle Trophies: How do I get them?
Posted 2025-02-02 07:09:30

I'm new and I got a snake quest to collect a battle trophy.

I gather that you get them from fights in explore but I haven't got one since I started. Is there a away to do it or increase the chances?


Posted 2025-02-02 07:34:24
There are ways to increase your chances! The biggest one is getting your lead to level 15, where there's a talent called "scavenger" you can get that increases your odds of dropping a trophy by 5%. There's also a lead personality perk called "imaginative" that gives your lead an additional 1% chance of finding trophies (i have that one on myself!)

It matters which fights you're doing in explore, too. Enemies under level 5 don't drop trophies, so don't bother fighting them for any.

this wiki page talks a little bit about trophies, if it helps.

Also, as general newbie advice, there's a lot of helpful stuff on this wiki called Grouse House! I find it very useful for events and genetics and such, so it's worth poking around on. If you have any more questions, feel free to reach out, i'm always happy to help a new player!


Posted 2025-02-02 07:49:18
Thank you so much! I'll be sure to check it our


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