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Design My Heir! 10GC Prize! -CLOSED-

Posted 2020-11-13 13:27:46

Hi there!

Here is my attempt c: Hope you like it!: (Wardrobe link)

LiquidFerret ʕ•ᴥ•ʔ

Posted 2020-11-13 13:38:32

Here's mine! Kept all the current marks and all additions are in the marking applicator. Used dinar base (but base can be changed to multiple other warm/muted bases and still look nice). A handsome man!


Posted 2020-11-13 13:48:24



Posted 2020-11-13 13:51:33 (edited)

There was an Attempt -


Posted 2020-11-13 13:53:19

#1 and #2  :)

red king

Posted 2020-11-13 13:55:19 (edited)

Hi there! This was so much fun (and a challenge, bc I had no idea what markings were accessible which way, lol). Also, idk how y'all are linking images. The Wardrobe images refuse to load when I try to copy them.

Okay, so, Number 1 is a complete revamp, keeping the Deira markings but replacing everything else. Pecan base. Meant to feel very warm/cozy. 

Design Number 2 kept all the original markings. More of a brown/muted color palette, not quite so "red", a little bit more dusty looking. Dinar base.


Posted 2020-11-13 13:58:22

I refreshed the page and a lot of new replies popped up! Good luck everybody :D

Design 1

Design 2


Posted 2020-11-13 14:07:02

This was fun, thanks for the comp!
Best of luck to everyone. c:

Oroide base

I changed the skin and nose but left the claws and the lovely ice eyes. Kept the deira marks and honey tamaskan.


Posted 2020-11-13 14:18:44 (edited)

So fun! I love design contests.

Here are my entries (will probably edit)!

A warm oroide look with lots of contrast

A dramatic russet look with lots of sheen

A fox-inspired look!

I always change the base and empty markings slots, but keep his existing markings and skin/eyes etc., to make any changes as easy and cheap as possible.


Posted 2020-11-13 14:37:00 (edited)

Design 1:

All markings are accessible through the customize option, I'm not completely sure about applicators since I'm not very familiar with those. I used an onyx base with brown and cream markings to warm up the dark coat.

Wardrobe link:X

Design 2:

This deign has lots of brown and cream markings atop a Dinar base. This design is the warmer of the two, having a more fox-like appearance. 

Wardrobe Link: X

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