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T* vs T3 stud

T* vs T3 stud
Posted 2025-02-10 15:49:41
So I curreny have a T3 Caribou stud, it's my first time really trying to have a very desirable stud. I've been eyeing the storm base app to make him a T* instead and then his colouring would be a little more accurate to his OC design

What I'm wondering is: is a T* base more desirable than a T3 Caribou? Does it even matter?
I know some people breed for specific T3s but since Caribou is an app idk how it holds up or if I should even worry about it at all.


Posted 2025-02-10 15:57:44
to my knowledge, the caribou base is the rarest of *craftable* t3 bases (not overall), while special bases values vary a lot. that being said, there are 6 pages of caribou studs vs the 46 of all t* studs. so i think in the long run, it'd be best to look at the apps you have or can get without putting too much time into it and think about competing studs :)


Posted 2025-02-10 16:02:25
I like to think Caribou is pretty desirable! Personally, I find caribou studs more desirable than storm, but it also depends on what competition Fawncrest has stud-wise. take a look in the search section to see if what other storm studs are out there, and what caribou studs are there, and what niche your stud is going to fit. If there's like, 7 other G1 zerdava caribous with het eyes for some reason but 0 storm zerdavas, then there's less options for people who want a storm zerdava and you'll get more requests.

The easiest way to tell if he's still high demand is. well. if he gets stud requests and pulls in those cones. If his stud requests ever slow down significantly then it might be worth changing the base.

More likely than not I don't think it matters, to be honest. There are some breeding % differences but T3 and T* are essentially on the same level. He's a wonderful stud either way, I think you'll have good luck with him


Posted 2025-02-10 16:19:26
Yes there does seem to be a lot of zerdava, whitetail caribous specifically which is exactly where Fawncrest lays too which has had me wondering. He's special because of his heterochromia and 2x whitetail but not much else I think
I do really like the caribou base but it is definitely a common thing with whitetail

And yes! Caribou is definitely the rarest of the craftables! But it's still a craftable so I have to wonder...

I'll do a little more research, thanks for your guy's help!! :D he does seem to be quite popular, I'm worried if I change his base then that might change but I suppose there's only one way to truly find out, and with the storm being a lighter more accurate colour I may end up liking it more myself


Posted 2025-02-10 16:57:31
Thanks for your help you guys! I've been a little overwhelmed but trying my best so this was definitely a huge help for just helping me realize something as simple as looking up how common each things are for each base! It didn't even cross my mind.

anyway, in case you guys were curious too I thought I'd share:

17x caribou zerdava
3x caribou het
5x caribou whitetail
(excluding me)

1x storm zerdava
0x storm het
1x storm whitetail

I think I have my answer XD


Posted 2025-02-10 17:33:19
SEVENTEEN caribou zerdava???? that's crazy! I think storm will do better for him looking at those numbers, and you can brag that he's the only storm het for sure


Posted 2025-02-10 17:43:37 (edited)
*wheeze* YEAH
I'm looking at a few other apps too but thanks so much!!! definitely got me on the right track


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