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Why is the Dip MOD so undervalued?????

Why is the Dip MOD so undervalued?????
Posted 2 days ago
If anyone has a chance to look at the market, you'll notice patches pointed/split/piebald zerdavas can go upwards of 700 gc, and dip MODs struggle to sell for even just 300.

From personal experience, I had to sell my soul and my life's savings to top off a dip to zerdava trade (no shade to you seller, if you're reading this, i still very much appreciate it!), but no one would pay even one gc more to trade a zerdava for a patches pointed.

Objectively, everyone paid $50 USD flat for each mod in the game. Even if it's less popular, I don't see how the gap could have grown so wide in just a few months as to nearly half the value of dip to almost every other mod on the market. Is it just the bad market being the bad market? People dont want dip so bad (even though in my opinion, it's the prettiest one) they're begging to get rid of it comparatively??? Others' thoughts would be appreciated. I've been planning on buying MODs for next black friday but if that's more akin to gambling than buying something valuable with my money, I don't know if I'm willing to take that chance.


Posted 1 day ago
I assume it's because other MoD are just more popular.
For people, more popular = more valuable and when more people pay more... prices raise.
Not just in WD but generally.
Pokémon TCG for example is crazy right now where the most recent card sets is sold for up to 200$ when the previous where not even 60$, all because of popularity.

Zerdava being the current most popular one is among the most expensive ones.
Dip being the least popular one and therefore the leat valuable.


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