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Should there be something to wean a pup/pups immediatly?

Should there be something to wean a pup/pups immediatly?
Posted 2 days ago
I think there should be something in the grove, or an event item that can be bought or found to make pups weaned immediatly. Its so frustrating when i want to do something with a pup, but i cant because its not weaned yet. Or to their mother, but she cant do anything because she has pups that you want to keep, which makes her take up precious food, room, and amusement. It could be a crystal, something like an Aging Crystal, or some kind of feather, like the Instant Pup Delivery. It can sell for 3-5 GC, making it pretty easy to get if its in the grove, and if it can be in an event thing, it can be treated like an applicator. You can decide that, but my question still stands.

Whispering Gold

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