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LF: 2 VERY Specific Wolves or Pups!

LF: 2 VERY Specific Wolves or Pups!
Posted 2020-11-14 16:03:44

Please read this post very Carefully as I am NOT looking for any wolves other them what I post below!

Wolf 1:

Slot 2: White Merle

Slot 4: Silver Dilution

Slot 8: Black Inuit Unders

Slot 10: Black Shaded

Wolf 2:

Slot 2: White Merle

Slot 8: White Inuit Unders

Slot 10: Red Shaded

If your wolf DOES NOT match the above Please DO NOT post the wolves.

I am paying 10 GC per Wolf if it matches the above.

I do not care about Base, Skin, Claw or Nose Color whatsoever! So don't try to get me to pay more than what I'm offering just cause your wolf has a special base or eyes, it won't happen. I will be changing all of those features anyways.

Thank you and have an awesome day :D


Posted 2020-12-16 17:19:13

Just letting you know that there isn't a single wolf that exists that matches either of those, so I'd recommend a breeding project instead.


Posted 2020-12-26 11:38:51

^ they're right. i checked the search function for wolves earlier and this wolf doesn't exist. 

However, if what you're breeding for just needs the colors, i'm sure there are plenty like that! From what i have gathered in my own breeding projects, the colors just need to match, not necessarily the marking type. 

For instance:

M has slot 1: white blaze // F has slot 1: black merle --> offspring could have silver blaze, silver merle, black blaze, black merle, white blaze, white merle or something random. 


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