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Merle stud raffle!! (Winner chosen)

Merle stud raffle!! (Winner chosen)
Posted 2020-11-14 19:33:02 (edited)

Hello! This is my first raffle! Im giving away a possible stud! He's a scout and almost 400 stats! He's 390 rn, He's also 77% scout prof! 

I'll be using a random number generator so I'll assign everyone 1 number per ticket!

It's free to enter! But if you want more tickets or more prizes here's how to get that!

Herb bundle (would include 10 common herbs or 5 rare herbs)

40 herb tickets bought

Food bundle (would include 50+ uses)

60 uses of food tickets bought

20gc prize 

40gc tickets bought

1,000 sc prize

1,600sc tickets bought

Please note these prizes will only appear when the goals are meet!!! I'll create trades for them when the goals are reached!! 

The main prize: 

The possible stud!! (Or just a scout whatever you want) 

Hunter//Merle 4m//309 stats

Ticket prices

One comment: 1 ticket 

30sc: 3 tickets 

1gc: 7 tickets

5 common herbs: 5 tickets

1 rare herb: 7 tickets

4 uses of food: 5 tickets 

The winner is 14763!!! 


Posted 2020-11-14 19:33:33 (edited)

Temp comment to keep track of tickets!!

Herb tickets purchased: 16

Current prizes:


23481: 1

14763: 2-30

23034: 31


Posted 2020-11-14 19:51:35

I am commenting so I can enter the raffle


Posted 2020-11-14 19:57:19

Entered you in!


Posted 2020-11-16 08:31:13
Sent some of that good herb


Posted 2020-11-16 08:32:24

I got you!


Posted 2020-11-16 08:34:46

Do you wanna claim your free ticket as well? 


Posted 2020-11-16 08:38:02

Yes please


Posted 2020-11-16 08:43:16

Got you in! 


Posted 2020-11-16 11:07:04

;i commented

Timber wolf

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