Females that are 6 years old +
Females that are 6 years old +
Posted 2020-11-16 14:28:09 (edited)
Hi! I had this thought today since I have a female that's over 6 years old and I would ideally love 1 more breeding from her and it will be cutting it close to the time where she could die with each rollover. Since each rollover is 1/2 month age up, 20 rollovers would be 10 months. Which would bring my lead to 6 years 11 months and the breeding cutoff is 7 years 2 months. If I hadn't chased off her entire last litter and knocked out the weaning cool down, it would be too late to breed her again. And would be really nice if we could bypass the breeding cool down (only for wolves 6 years 5 months / 7+ years old - whatever is fair if the idea is well received) for those that really want 1 more litter out of a female. If implemented
Thanks for reading! I obviously am just here to play and overall, I love the breeding cool down so wolves aren't overbred. And I am unsure if any of these ideas would be doable on your end. Like non-correctable lethal mutations. If they are not, I apologize. I don't know anything about how the servers are set up or how they are coded. These are just a couple ideas I thought of to offset an additional breeding of a female wolf. :D |
abita #5562 |