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[OUTDATED] ★ Tetra's CSS Guide ★

Posted 2020-11-15 11:14:06

ive a question!

so on the navigation bar, how would you go about changing the mouse-over color? for example in my den when i mouse over the links the icons are a light blue, and getting rid of the font color makes the icon as well as the text blue.

sorry in advance if i skimmed over this on the documentation guides, ive looked around n fiddled a bunch with the code but i cant seem to figure it out ;;


Posted 2020-11-15 12:32:48


I might have left out the hover element from the docs, oops.

The code would be this:

.navbar-status a:hover {

   /* code here */


The :hover pseudoclass styles the element when it's being hovered on by the mouse.

*barks at you*

Posted 2020-11-15 13:17:59


ahh tysm!


Posted 2020-11-15 13:45:31


I hope it is OK that I linked to your guide in my resource forum?
I found it incredibly helpful and thought others might as well. :)

If this is an issue, please let me know and I will take it down.

✧ Spib's Bio and CSS/HTML resources ✧ <--- the forum where I linked it
Subtopic: guides and Subtopic: hot links <--- the specific posts where it is linked


Posted 2020-11-15 13:47:46


No problem with that! 

*barks at you*

Posted 2020-11-15 13:49:10


Alright, awesome! Thank you :)


Posted 2020-11-15 19:51:57

aa ive another question

how would you select the individual icons next to the navigation links? ive gotten to the point where hovering over text gives the right color but icons are still a no-go. i tried .icons a:hover , .navbar-icons a:hover, and a couple other selectors but nothing popped up

im a total noob at css so hopefully im not missing something right in front of me or doing something weird lol


Posted 2020-11-15 20:04:25


No worries, it happens to be another tiny selector I hadn't included (i really need to update the docs soon). It would be .navbar-main .nav-link .fa, and .navbar-main .nav-link:hover .fa for the icons' hover color.

*barks at you*

Posted 2020-11-15 20:35:26


it works beautifully now, tysm!!!


Posted 2020-11-17 09:52:59

How do I view the image on imigur it won't let me.


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