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≤15SC flatsale: rare-mark adols, need gone by rollover

Posted 2021-02-23 07:15:19 (edited)

+400-stat pups weaned today! They’ll be going on the Trading Center later today or tomorrow, with a private one for the existing offer (unless there’s a higher offer, in which case I’ll extend it a day or so). Posting this as a heads up since I know at least one person has an eye on this thread; I dunno how fast they’ll go once on public sale, so ;V

Will also be adding a couple new pups; lower stats and still currently unweaned, but both have white shaded!


Posted 2021-02-23 20:53:28

I'd pay 200 SC for the observant boy with the spoopy face <3 I saw him on your lore thread and was really hoping you'd sell him. 


Posted 2021-02-23 20:56:48 (edited)

250 SC on the Observant boy


Posted 2021-02-23 20:59:04

Oh my is that a typo or..? o.o


Posted 2021-02-23 22:44:48

Oof. Yes it was.


Posted 2021-02-23 22:48:59

Wooh, ok in that case I will go up to 300 SC. I did take a long hard look at the other pups deciding if he's worth stepping on toes but man that face <3


Posted 2021-02-23 22:52:07 (edited)

1 GC & 280 SC on Observant boy 


Posted 2021-02-23 22:57:03

I can't seem to find anywhere the Jackdaw's handler has listed their SC to GC conversion rate. I await this information and will resume bidding afterwards ^^


Posted 2021-02-24 09:21:11 (edited)

>:O Dang, this was a surprise to log in to! For fairness’s sake I’ll extend observant’s deadline back to adolescence or whenever the bidding stops, whichever comes first.

The GC:SC ratio seems to be around 1:70 at the time of writing (based on the lowest 10:x trade available), so let’s go with that!

(edited to add deadline clarification)


Posted 2021-02-24 10:54:49 (edited)

Haha a good one I’m sure. I’d be willing to go up to 6 GC. Thanks for the clarification and extension on the boy in question.


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