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Chased Wolf Spotting!!!

Posted 2021-07-09 11:03:36

Oh cool! Before I put him up in trade, would you like him returned?

Quiet Tempest

Posted 2021-07-09 11:09:43

@ Quiet Tempest Oh, no! I think I would like for someone else to get him, it's why I chase :D 

But thank you for asking! 


Posted 2021-07-09 11:14:53

Okay! I know I've chased a few I would really love to have back with a clean slate so I wanted to ask. I'll put him up in trade!

Quiet Tempest

Posted 2021-07-09 15:57:03 i am a little disappointed XD


Posted 2021-07-09 20:29:26

Just found this Acanthite 


Posted 2021-07-09 23:01:48

just found this lady. fairly basic, unfortunately, with a tier i base and only 3 markings, so i'll be chasing once again unless anyone would like her!


Posted 2021-07-10 01:01:32 (edited)

This is the best I've found, a female T2 Chert with 8 markings, one of which is silver. Below 2 years old and 252 stat roll, too. I had a heart palpitation when I saw her, I was so freaked out lol.

Thank you so much to whoever chased her!! <3

Edit: I decided I will be selling her, so keep an eye out for the trade if you're interested!


Posted 2021-07-10 03:01:30

Tier 2 female. So pretty!


Posted 2021-07-10 12:13:36

I’m in need of space and less wolves to feed - so I chased a few of my first bred doggos - and two of the three I chased have made it! Recognised this one on the TC (hoping they get a good home :’) I’d take them if I could lol)


the other one has become the scout in a new players den - they aren’t anything special to look at - I just didn’t expect two out of three to make it! I thought the chances of them becoming findable wolves was lower :’) 


Posted 2021-07-10 12:19:57

Chased two of my almost-death-age hunters, kind of hoping to see them again too.


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