Rest to restore HP any time while exploring
Rest to restore HP any time while exploring
Posted 2020-11-20 07:44:30
This is a fairly minor suggestion, but one that I think would be really helpful in combating some RNG-reliance and giving a bit more player autonomy while exploring. tl;dr Spend a chunk of energy (and possibly time or other resources) to restore a few HP while exploring so you don't have to wait for an event to do it when it's all you need, would mostly require coding to implement. In a variety of situations, I will rely on random events while exploring to heal my wolf after battling, especially if I only need to restore a few points to return to full health, as using a salve would be a bit of a waste when I can, theoretically get those couple of points just at the cost of some energy, instead. Or, I may need to heal more but be low on or out of healing salves, and rushing to finish a battling quest before rollover to make sure I don't miss out on my quest for the next day. However, sometimes I have very bad luck in getting the Sleep/Rest event or other healing events to appear while exploring, or might lose even more health through random events while just trying to restore it. What I'm essentially proposing in response to this is the ability to use the "Rest" function from the Sleep/Rest event at will while exploring. It would function more or less the same way, restoring a few points of HP upon use. To balance being able to do so freely, it should probably come at a fairly steep energy cost - at least 10%, possibly more. In addition, some other ideas I had to potentially balance this are:
Resting this way would also count as an event happening, meaning it would refresh away whatever you've currently encountered, so you can't take advantage of it by waiting right until you encounter a new enemy you want to fight to heal up that last little bit of health you need. I just think it would be a nice quality of life thing for us to have a way to ensure a quick, small HP gain while exploring so long as we don't mind spending the energy to guarantee it. Anyone who doesn't want to expend the energy on it would be free not to, so it wouldn't be especially obtrusive, but having the option would be nice for folks who would want to make use of it. Also, I think it just makes sense in-universe that you'd be able to plop down anywhere and rest for a bit while out exploring. For it to be implemented, most if not all of what would be required is some coding. A small "Rest" button would have to be added somewhere into the Explore window - either as it is when it comes up in an event (probably somewhere off to the side), or something with a small bit of art to integrate it into the UI like the explore and healing salve buttons. It could possibly even be integrated into the same menu that you can access your healing salves from, since it's another way for you to heal while out exploring. As for the rest of the implementation, it could probably be tied to the same effect as using "Rest" in the Sleep/Rest event, likely with a new use case/instance/etc to allow for the energy reduction, as well as any other parameters and effects tied to it. Otherwise, a small new function/"Event" could be coded for it. Would love to hear anyone else's thoughts on this, how else it might be balanced, etc. Thank you for taking the time to read! |
![]() flambino #16298 |
Posted 2020-11-20 08:10:10
no support. this is what healing salves are for |
Syllabub #6154 |
Posted 2020-11-20 11:44:11
I really don't like using healing salves to recover the 2-3 HP points I lose from random events in explore, and it's often that tiny sliver of HP missing that determines if I win or lose any fights. I don't want to waste a use of an item that does 10 HP recover just for that measly amount - especially when I can easily just lose that HP again right after by running into the Thorn etc. It'd be nice to have a little more control over what our wolf can do in explore. That way I can save my salves for when I actually need them, like after fights when my HP loss is much more significant. It'd also make it a bit more strategic, since if your uses of rest are limited, then you have to choose wisely when to use it just as you would with other items. Heck, I'd even take it if it was an item I had to craft (Like Nesting Material? Only it'd be Resting Material). That way it's not just given to me and I have to actually collect materials to be able to use it. Full support. |
![]() otterbells #4284 |
Posted 2020-11-28 03:16:10
Support! I definitely want an alternative to healing salves. Whether it be a 'rest' option or a choice on the Herbalist's page. |
![]() Frisk #13655 |
Posted 2020-11-28 03:44:55
As a person who uses healing salves for minor hp recovery, I don't support this but if free healing for energy etc is going to be implanted, I don't think it should be in the explore section. I prefer this to be in the herbalist section. Like as a button, once a day. Maybe it can take 20% of herbalist's & main wolf's energy(or something along the lines of this). The amount of hp healed could be affected by the herbalist's Proficiency. Maybe up to 8 hp? I don't know. The cost seems harsh but it's instant healing per day (without the risk from explore's rng) and hp is the only thing that's stopping people from having lv20 wolves in like a month's time. And it's a great sink for healing items/herbs. |
![]() Star #335 |