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★☆Mitia's Mutation Information & Tracker!★☆

Posted 2021-01-24 09:43:52

Oh shoot, I completely forgot about the age making a difference since I haven’t played Lioden in a good while. So you make a really good point here, though I think alot of people are too impatient to wait for age, they just wanna breed right away lol

🌵NIB Brachy Breeder🌵

Posted 2021-01-24 09:52:57

Yes, people are impatient :D but you can catch so many nice older NBWs in explore, and people offer older wolves on the TC all the time - sure it takes some leg work to find them but it's a lot cheaper than spending so much money on fertility reducers and no more time to type age limits into search than it is to search for lower fert wolves ;)


Posted 2021-01-24 09:56:30

Yeah, that’s true

🌵NIB Brachy Breeder🌵

Posted 2021-01-24 21:31:30

Oh that's very interesting bonibaru! I had no idea having not been a member of lioden... I need to update this again and perhaps I will start recording the age of the dam now too. Thank you!

Side note to Pastel - I am in LOVE with your avatar. The light/glow effect is just so aesthetically pleasing and gives such a warm vibe. I dig it! <3


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