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Otherkin / therians / other-hearts

Posted 2020-11-05 07:41:22

@Rook I would love that!


Posted 2020-11-05 12:26:38 (edited)

@Rook right?? theres so much overlap in community spaces too, theres a ton of non-furry therians and otherkin on furaffinity, i dont get why there has to be antagonism over it lmao. besides, if i had to give up one or the other, id give up the furry stuff anyway. xD; i love furry stuff but its just a hobby to me.

and honestly, i might make the server sometime soon now! part of my trepidation was i wasnt sure how many people would even be interested with my plans for it honestly, but if i set something up i'll mention it here! i was also going to have it be 18+ or maybe even 21+, but all of that will be clearly stated if i go for it

edit: ok how do i tag people lmao i dont know how to use this site


Posted 2020-11-05 13:40:10

@Rainwood hm, I think I'd only affiliate a server with this thread if it were open to everyone on Wolvden (so 16+ basically) just because I don't want younger people to feel unwelcome on the thread! Like, if I had the thread be open to everyone but then linked a Discord for adults only it might make younger people feel a bit uncomfortable? I hope my reasoning here makes sense aha. But of course feel free to make one with whatever restrictions you want, it's your server after all. ^^ 

Also, for tagging people, I think it only highlights the name in your post if you copy-paste it but it still doesn't like.. notify people or anything so it doesn't really matter. (I hope one day the devs add actual notifications when you're mentioned, but idk if that'll ever actually happen, I don't know if it's possible with the way the forums are here).


Posted 2020-11-05 13:46:21

@Rainwood- You can have specific 18+ channels within a discord server, by assigning roles to members based on their age, and hiding some channels from the "younger" role. That way there could be a general 16+ chat, and a general 18/21+ chat. If people aren't comfortable talking to younger members, or want to discuss/joke about something more adult, they can stick to only the age-restricted chat channel(s). I hope that helps ^u^


Posted 2020-11-05 17:04:20

yeah, if i make a server id really be more comfortable if it was age restricted as a whole, so i'll do that on my own time ^^; sorry for the trouble.


Posted 2020-11-05 17:12:28

@Rainwood- You can always make your own topic and link it on the WD 18+ forum, if you'd prefer a more mature group. Either way, I'd definitely like an invite if/when you do make a server ^^


Posted 2020-11-05 22:08:33

My anniversary of awakening as a therian is actually coming up on the 8th! I'm a cervine cladotherian and my other primary theriotypes are hellhound and wyvern, but I'm also a domestic cow, crocodile, and emerald cockroach wasp! I'm also 'hearted with pangolins, red pandas, and martens. I'm still figuring out where this all stems from but I think it's a mix of psychological and spiritual

btw please hmu if you're also a cervine, canine, or dragon therian I love meeting others like me


Posted 2020-11-05 23:34:25

Hey all! Call me Chiral or Quin; I'm a jackal and a dragon, and some sort of solitary fey. I'm just getting back into therian/otherkin spheres; I interacted in them a little bit as a teen and now in my mid-twenties (geez!) I'd like to get back in touch with that part of me. This mostly came about because jackalhood is very important to my personal spirituality.  I'm still trying to figure out what exactly that means for me personally, but I think I have experienced shifts, for one.

@Rainwood Lmk as well if you do an 18+ server, I'd be super interested!


Posted 2020-11-06 07:37:54

Hello Cervid and Chiral!

Welcome to the thread lol. I'm not any of those types in particular but I have "had" dragon and cervine forms before and they're fun ^_^


Posted 2020-11-06 10:10:28

@Rainwood I'd also be super interested in a server like that! :)


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