Natural Wolf Pack Alliance -- Raffle Winners Posted!
Posted 2020-10-24 06:45:07
Welcome to everyone who I haven't seen around! I've just gotten back from my vacation and hoping you've all had a good week. Some interesting news will be coming out in the next couple of hours as we prepare! |
Charlie #804 |
Posted 2020-10-24 10:33:08
If there is anyone that is still in need of the N-WPA Discord Server invite please send me a PM! <3 I can't wait to see y'all there! |
The Pack Wolf #1706 |
Posted 2020-10-25 10:36:45
Hello! I'd love to get involved with the clan. I'm a huge fan of natural wolves and focused on Monochromes, mostly Darks at the moment. My two leads. I'm pretty sure they would both qualify as natural? I know my lead female is a little iffy with ice eyes. I actually wanted gray, but it was so dark it didn't have a good effect and real wolves do occasionally have light GRAYish eyes so I figured it was pretty close. |
Hunter [HM] #10016 |
Posted 2020-10-25 10:42:05
Yes let me In as well!!!! Here is my lead wolf Queen Lindy. She is my favorite wolf In my pack and she is my first custom wolf. And here is my favorite male as well as my second custom. King Lake is lindy's king and her mate |
Maria Skylar #15103 |
Posted 2020-10-25 10:47:37
@Mani ohh they are really nice looking! I have one custom idea waiting that's for black wolf and must say it has been the most difficult one to custom because there's so meny different types of black wolves, with the brown or gray hues c: |
Loviatar #300 |
Posted 2020-10-25 11:35:18
@Loviatar Thank you! And yes, they're a bit tricky, but I really like the Monochromes, especially the darks. I'm also a huge fan of the silver markings so they're Monochrome Darks with white and black markings (with tweaked opacities of course). Hopefully, they give me some pups with lovely silver markings. Their firstborn from the tutorial actually turned out really handsome. He's not fancy, but he got Silver Dilution and it's such a nice effect. |
Hunter [HM] #10016 |
Posted 2020-10-25 11:55:58
@Mani they indeed are gorgeus! Fun fact tho about black wolves, we don't have them at all in Finland and they actually are result of early dogs crossbreeding with wolves, so the black gene is from dogs. ^^ I find it really interesting tho, because dogs are after all descendant to wolves! Ah he indeed looks stunning! Sometimes the simplest are the best looking! My two custom girls are purely based on the wolves we have here in Finland, because they have the nice brown color in them - most visible in summer coats! Because that's best when blending into the swamps etc :3 |
Loviatar #300 |
Posted 2020-10-25 12:02:07
@Loviatar Oh, that's very cool! I almost went red/brown honestly because Eastern/Red wolves are such a cool species. I might try that if I ever want a make-over because I do normally love warmer tones. And I remember reading that! Black wolves are a North American thing because of that. The genetic evidence shows that thousands of years ago, primitive dogs bred with wolves and gave them the genes for black coats, which apparently ended up doing well enough that they survived to this day. I thought that was pretty wild. |
Hunter [HM] #10016 |
Posted 2020-10-25 15:12:43
All of your guys' wolves are so pretty?!?! I honestly love scrolling through here to see all the pretty natural pups <33 Also...I'm so speechless right now. I bred two of my wolves together and got this stunning girl! She's so precious and I'm so stoked!! This is her wardrobe link if anyone's interested in seeing the adult version! |
The Pirate #1903 |
Posted 2020-10-26 11:50:48 (edited) This is my lead and I think he’s kinda realistic:) my name is reed and I would love to join ♥️ I’m new to the game and would like to find out all I can about this game |
PirateTalon #23019 |