gift the person above you!
gift the person above you!
Posted 2020-11-23 11:35:15 (edited)
__ .d$$b .' TO$;\ / : TP._; / _.; :Tb| / / ;j$j _.-" d$$$$ .' .. d$$$$; / /P' d$$$$P. |\ / " .d$$$P' |\^"l .' `T$P^""""" : ._.' _.' ; `-.-".-'-' ._. _.-" .-" `.-" _____ ._ .-" -(.g$$$$$$$b. .' ""^^T$$$P^) .(: _/ -" /.' /:/; ._.'-'`-' ")/ /;/; `-.-"..--"" " / / ; .-" ..--"" -' : ..--""--.-" (\ .-(\ ..--"" `-\(\/;` _. : ;`- :\ ; hey guys so the rules are about to start remember be kind but first enjoy these cat emojicons! (pm me to purchase the right to use them) _._ _,-'""`-._ (,-.`._,'( |\`-/| `-.-' \ )-`( , o o) `- \`_`"'- __..--''``---....___ _..._ __ /// //_.-' .-/"; ` ``<._ ``.''_ `. / // / ///_.-' _..--.'_ \ `( ) ) // // / (_..-' // (< _ ;_..__ ; `' / /// / // // // `-._,_)' // / ``--...____..-' /// / // /)-._ Y. ' _] ,.._ |`--"= / "-/ \ /) | |_ `\|___ \:::::::\___/_\__\_______\ __ .-. .-"` .`'. /\\| _(\-/)_" , . ,\ /\\\/ {(#b^d#)} . ./, |/\\\/ `-.(Y).-` , | , |\.-` /~/,_/~~~\,__.-` ////~ // ~\\ ==`==` ==` ==` _ \`*-. ) _`-. . : `. . : _ ' \ ; *` _. `*-._ `-.-' `-. ; ` `. :. . \ . \ . : .-' . ' `+.; ; ' : : ' | ; ;-. ; ' : :`-: _.`* ; .*' / .*' ; .*`- +' `*' `*-* `*-* `*-*' ___..........__ _,...._ _."'_,.++8n.n8898n.`"._ _....._ .' `". _.'_.'" _.98n.68n. `"88n. `'. ," `. / . `. ,'. " -'" __.68`""'""=._`+8. `.' . `. . ` . `. ,d86+889" 8"""+898n, j8 9 ," . \ : ' ., ,d"'" _..d88b..__ `"868' .' . ' : : . . _ ,n8""88":8"888."8. " ' : \ , ' , . .88" ,8P' ,d8. _ `"8n `+. `. . ' `. .. . d89' " _..n689+^'8n88n.._ `+ . ` . , ' ,' `. . , ' 8' .d88+" j:""' `886n. b`. ' .' . ." ' , .j ,d'8. ` ."8.`. `. ': . .' n8 ,_ .f A 6. ,.. `8b, '. .'_ .' _ ,88' :8"8 6'.d`i.`b. d8"8 688. ". `' ," .88 .d868 _ ,9:' `8.`8 "' ` _ 8+"" b `, _. d8P d' .d :88. .8'`j ;+. " n888b 8 . ,88. . ` :68' ,8 88 `. ' : l ` .' `" jb .` 688b. ', .' .688 6P 98 =+""`. ` ' ,-"`+"'+88b 'b. 8689 ` ' ; .'"888 .8; ."+b. : `" ; .: "' ; ,n `8 q8, '88: \ . . 898 8: : `.`--"8. d8`--' ' .d' ;8 898 ' , 689 9: 8._ ,68 . . :89 ..n88+' 89 689,' ` . : ,88' 88 `+88n - . . . " _. 6: `868 ' ' , ' .68h. 68 `" . . . . . . ,8' 8P' . . . '88 'q. _.f . . . ' .._,. .8" .889 , .' `898 _8hnd8p' , . .. . . ._ `89,8P j"' _ ` \ ` .88, `q9868' ,9 .. . . . 8n .8 d8' +' n8. , ' ,' ,+"88n `"8 .8' . .. . . `8688P" 9' ,d868' . . . . `86b. " . . .. 68' _.698689; : . ' ,889_.n8. , ` . .___ ___. .n" `86n8b._ `8988'b .,6 ' q8689'`68. . ` `:. `.__,' .:' , + +88 `"688n `q8 q8. 88 , . ' " `+8 n . `:. .;' . ' . ,89 " `q, `8 . . , . + c , `:.,:" , " d8' d8. : . ' 8n ` , . :: . ' " . .68h. .8'`8`. 6 , 8b.__. , .n8688b., . .;:._ .___nn898868n. n868b "` 8 `. `6889868n8898886888688898"' "+89n88898868868889' 688898b .8 : q68 `""+8688898P ` " ' . ` ' ' `+688988P" d8+8P' `. .d8 , 88b. `+88. ` ` ' .889"' ,.88' .,88 : '988b "88b.._ ,_ . n8p' .d8"' ' 689 '. "888n._, `"8"+88888n.8,88:`8 . _ .n88P' . ` ;88' :8. "q888. . "+888P" "+888n,8n8'" . . ,d986 :.`8: `88986 `q8" , :688" ;. '8, "88b .d ' ,889' :.. `6n '8988 b.89p :. . '8. `88b 988' :. . 8b `q8. ' . ' .d89 ' . . `8: `86n,. " . , , " ,98P , .. . '6n. +86b. . . _,.n88' . . `"8b. 'q98n. , . _..n868688' . ' . . `"98. `8868. . _.n688868898p" d . . '88. "688. q89888688868" ,86 mh '. . 88. `8898 " .889"' .988 ALRIGHT!!!! now rules!!!! 1) gift what you say you are gifting 2)do not complain about your gift!! 3) DO NOT ADVERTISE HERE unless it is on your wish list for someone to buy out a trade 4) DO NOT SPAM 5) DO NOT shame somebody or talk about being blocked here 6) please no ridiculous wish lists good list: Bad list: sc gc food mutie toys apps merle teir III base gc ALRIGHT lets get started my wish list:sc gc food toys sales in my art |
Maka._ #8555 |
Posted 2020-12-14 14:08:11
Sending! Wishlist: SC GC Food Mutation cubs (under 8 months old) Rare items |
Agent Anonymous #33064 |
Posted 2020-12-15 08:51:43
gifting! wishlist: anything:) |
Silverrfire #2817 |
Posted 2020-12-15 09:11:41
Happy holidays, everyone! Since the thread is in it's infancy, I'm just gonna huck gifts at everyone above! My wishlist! - Feathers - Amusement - Currency - Decor! |
cowbrain #13503 |
Posted 2020-12-15 09:23:24
Hi! Gifted My wishlit is anything that you can spare :) |
CharlieAb #10791 |
Posted 2020-12-15 09:24:11
gifted ! wishlist- currency decor anything because a gift is a gift xx ! |
jade #11134 |
Posted 2020-12-15 09:24:50 (edited)
Gifted, and happy holidays!! Consider me a free-for-all as far as wishlists go! c: |
Noctem #24512 |
Posted 2020-12-15 12:25:07
Getting ready to gift. I'm not picky when it comes to gifts so surprise me with anything! |
Ciris #428 |
Posted 2020-12-15 12:41:51
giftinggg happy holidays |
Tree #17369 |
Posted 2020-12-15 12:49:35
Done! Nothing particular for my list :) |
softpaw #4383 |