Salt & Wyn's YWHs
Want Custom Art? Check out Wyn's Art Post
Rules & Stuff & Things
Art can be uploaded to toyhouse or tumblr and tag you if you like!
(both may contain NSFW content) (Art can only be hosted on toyhouse if your character is posted there!)
You may only repost completed YWHs made for you, and with artist credit clearly shown (Do not remove the signature.)
We reserve the right to refuse if I feel unable to complete for any reason (we are LGBTQ+ friendly!)
Most art will be done in a day or two, but it could take up to a week!
Complex markings may be simplified to suit style Shaded bases might have slight color variations to suit your characters!
Payment is taken upfront at the time of acceptance, refunds are given only if we cannot finish your art within a week (Please make sure you include a 1 SC buyout option in your trade with the payment!)
Weather and Biome Specific Raccoon Decor with 4+ uses can be used to pay for a slot!
Get four YWHs for $10 (via Paypal)
 5GC or 375SC Transparent BG Only | Minor Edits Only (Claws, Fangs, Scars, etc) +1GC or 75 SC for Complex Character Colored by Wyn
Base Name: [Sneaky/Lounging/Troublemaker] Character Reference(s): [Images work best, describe any important details or missing parts!] Payment Type: [GC, SC, mix, Grove item, etc] Preferred Host: [Toyhouse and/or tumblr, + the name to @ you by on them if desired]
 3GC or 225SC Free Transparent, Color, or Gradient BG | + 2GC or 150SC for Scenic BG +1GC or 75 SC for Complex Character | Can add ID and/or Name Comes with Icon Size + Fullsize | Minor Edits Only (Fangs, Scars, Tongue, etc) Colored by Wyn
Base Name: [Grump Regular or Grump Comic] Character Reference(s): [Images work best, describe any important details or missing parts!] Payment Type: [GC, SC, mix, Grove item, etc] Background: [Transparent, Color, Gradient, or Scenic] Preferred Host: [Toyhouse and/or tumblr, + the name to @ you by on them if desired]
----------------------------------------- Howl
5GC or 375SC Free Transparent or Mountain BG | +1GC or 75 SC for Complex Character Minor Edits Only (Fangs, Scars, etc) Colored by Salt
Base Name: [Howl] Character Reference(s): [Images work best, describe any important details or missing parts!] Payment Type: [GC, SC, mix, Grove item, etc] Background: [Transparent or Mountain] Preferred Host: [Toyhouse and/or tumblr, + the name to @ you by on them if desired]
----------------------------------------- Night & Day
  6GC or 450SC Free Transparent, Night, or Day BG | +1GC or 75 SC for Complex Character Minor Edits Only (Fangs, Scars, Tongue, etc) Colored by Salt
Base Name: Night & Day Character Reference(s): [Images work best, describe any important details or missing parts!] Payment Type: [GC, SC, mix, Grove item, etc] Background: [Night, Day, or None] Preferred Host: [Toyhouse and/or tumblr, + the name to @ you by on them if desired]
----------------------------------------- Brooding Protector

 10GC or 750SC Free Transparent or Den BG | +1GC or 75 SC for Complex Character Minor Edits Only (Fangs, Scars, Tongue, etc) Colored by Wyn
Base Name: Brooding Protector Character Reference(s): [Images work best, describe any important details or missing parts!] Payment Type: [GC, SC, mix, Grove item, etc] Background: [Transparent or Den] Preferred Host: [Toyhouse and/or tumblr, + the name to @ you by on them if desired]
----------------------------------------- MORE COMING SOON!
HTML by Lila #225. Do not remove credit