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Posted 2020-11-27 00:33:22

Ooh that's interesting! I guess that over 24,99 we can get randomly the same items?

Ex: 4 items from either pool : 2 instant pup delivery, 1 sex changer and 1 insanity wolf?

Or we can only get 1 item once? That would be interesting to know :)


Posted 2020-11-27 00:34:46 (edited)

think theres a typo here. on top it says you get a bonus 10% GC with any purchase but in the breakdown is shows a 10% additional GC for every purchase EXCEPT for 110.

anyway cool. if i wasnt unemployed due to covid i'd definitely pay for this lol.


Posted 2020-11-27 00:38:24

My moon moon isn't working 😭


Posted 2020-11-27 00:40:23

Ahh would love to know if we'll get a chance to directly buy those decor items at some point!

Thanks so much for the deal, though. 🥺

Dollmouth 🍒

Posted 2020-11-27 00:40:40

what cute wolf decors! moon moon is my fav :) lovely work as always!


Posted 2020-11-27 00:41:07
got 2 whole moon moons. rolling in moon moons 


Posted 2020-11-27 00:41:20
@Alphafema1e you got moon moon?? Woah congrats :0


Posted 2020-11-27 00:41:35
i just spent all my money too sobs

ferxani 🌾

Posted 2020-11-27 00:43:29

Moon Moon: - Is being Moon Moon-

Insanity wolf: MOON MOON! STOP IT!

Courage wolf: Calm down, Moon Moon can't help it.

Three wolves howl: -Ignoring the drama in the background.-

Me: -Slow claps.- Meme.


Posted 2020-11-27 00:57:25

Love this but the AUD to USD coversion kills me

i hope u rbign some gift card options :)
