Male Wolves - More Use around the Pack
Male Wolves - More Use around the Pack
Posted 2020-11-29 23:13:38
One of the biggest balance issues I've seen in the game is the usefulness of male wolves as compared to female wolves. Once you have your breeding male assigned, your entire pack has no reason not to be purely female, as the ladies can do everything the males can, and breed, making them way more desirable than males. I feel like males should have some sort of exclusive perk, OTHER than the single breeding male, to make them equally desirable to females. This way, male pups won't get swept under the rug when it comes to usefulness, and will hopefully help balance the advantages of having males. Here is a compilation of a few potential male-only pack roles: Guardian: This wolf (or wolves) guards your pack against outside dangers. Having guardians will slightly boost pup survival chances; it is SIGNIFICANTLY lower than a pupsitter (ex. 2-3%), but will automatically apply to all pups. Alternatively, the Guardians could boost the stats of the entire pack by ONE based on their highest stat (ex. Their highest stat is Strength, so all pack members get +1 Strength as long as this Guardian is active.) Subordinate: These wolves can be sent as scavengers. They may periodically find entertainment items, small prey animals/small meat chunks, cave materials, or very rarely, crafting recipes. Subordinates can also potentially trigger Explore events, such as informing you that they could smell a lone wolf, therefore increasing your chances of finding a new befriendable wolf next time you explore. Of course, there are a lot of options other than these. I would just really like to see males being able to do a bit more, since other than your breeding male, there isn't anything particularly special for them to do. |
![]() Ingo #16661 |
Posted 2020-11-30 09:40:15 (edited)
Subordinates have the same function as rescouting does basically, but guardian sounds kinda nice, for the second alternative, however, think of how adding stats to every wolf would affect breeding. I may hang around for a bit to see if anything else is added, but overall I support male-only roles to fix the problem since mods don't seem too interested in adding breeding in general-- maybe add one female-only role with a few male-only roles to feel less biased? so long as the female-only role isn't like making sandwiches for the guys lol (if this is added, I'm excited to see karens who never experienced life without male-only roles complaining about the game being sexist haha - I'm female its okay guys) |
![]() Soul #6229 |
Posted 2020-11-30 12:37:36 (edited)
I don't support gender-only roles unless that role can only be performed for a biological reason. For example, female wolves can become pregnant and nurse puppies exclusively and males are needed to impregnate females. You will always need a male AND female to create a litter of pups. That make sense to me. Which leads to our ONLY gender exclusive role: Breeding Male. I don't agree that there should be a breeding male but understand that the staff want a stud economy. But even then, I don't see why a pack couldn't have a Breeding Female of the same fashion - but I am getting off track. As wolvden is designed right now, there are no stat growth differences in genders and therefore they have equal footing in every role. I also do not think that having male only roles is the way to solve the "worthless" male problem. I think the better solution would just be to make them breedable to some extent if not just getting rid of the limitation all together (but it's up to the staff to figure out which way they want to go). That being said, your guardian role sounds too much like a pupsitter and you subordinate sounds too similar to a scout. Edit: I don't understand why racism issues are taken so seriously that we changed the art of Herbert to be less offensive but when people have problems with sexism it's them being "Karens." There isn't a reason to have gender exclusive roles in this game and I'd rather not go down that path. I don't think that makes me or anyone else unreasonable. |
![]() QueenOfFrowns #3910 |
Posted 2020-11-30 13:10:14 (edited)
The role examples here are too close to roles we already have IMO, but we should have an alternative if staff really doesn't want to let the males breed, so I would support some sort of gender-specific role/s. I don't think something like that would be sexist if it has a biological reason, similar to breeding for females. I'm very uncomfortable with the idea of raising a group of females with one male to breed with all of them. This idea was okay in Lioden (because that's how they work in the wild & females have leagues more use over males which is empowering), but since male wolves now can do everything females can minus breeding, there's no point to keeping males, which leads to the all-girls-one-boy thing. Not a fan of that system (as a woman). That being said, I DESPERATELY just want males to be allowed to breed within the pack, in all honesty. It would solve my entire problem. I will tentatively support biologically-logical male-only roles, but I'll admit that it's just a less appealing solution in the event that male breeding is refused. |
![]() greahound⚡ #27654 |
Posted 2020-11-30 13:17:42
Yeah, greahound worded it better than my post. Ditto! |
![]() QueenOfFrowns #3910 |
Posted 2020-11-30 21:52:50
While I do agree that there needs to be something implemented to make male wolves more desirable, I do not agree with giving them gender-specific roles. The ones you mentioned honestly just seems like a diet version of the scout and pupsitter roles, and if it was implemented it likely wouldn't increase the value of males much because of that. If there were any gender-specific roles added to this game I'd rather it be something more related to their biology than it just being an unnecessary, "Here are the girl jobs, and here are the boy jobs." Ideally, I'd rather have it to where all males within your pack can breed with the females, but only one male is available for other users to stud to. It would make males more valuable, not pigeon-hole players into a, "no inbreeding," mechanic, and not totally destroy the stud market. |
![]() LittlePuppy #2787 |