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LTB: Merle Wolves/Puppies!

Posted 2020-11-29 05:21:45 (edited)

I have these 3 for sale (PWYW but minimum I ask is 10 sc please)

Gray Male with Cream Merle (newborn) sold
Gold Darker Male w/ Dubloon Merle (newborn) gone
Red Female w/ Honey Merle & Low Fert (newborn)sold

and currently a Tier II based (Vanilla) Male w/ Dubloon Merle (also a newborn) for auction. I haven't set up an auto buy but we could figure out a price if you're interested

And I breed almost constantly looking for new bases, better stats, and Mutes so I update my Sale and Auction Thread frequently. Feel free to drop in and take a look now and then if you like.

Good luck with your search :3

Izzy Ca'tuil

Posted 2020-11-30 20:05:38 (edited)

I have these two girls:

Whisp (Dust base)

Rhodes  (Her base is Dravite, which is neat.)

I admittedly don't have a set price range for either of them. I'd take at least 1GC/100SC for the dravite girl, but I'd honestly take at least 20SC for the dust because her merle's not as obvious.


Posted 2020-12-01 23:05:36

I currently have these pups for sale.  They are not yet weaned, but I can hold them until they are.  I have the price at 50SC on each but I'm open to just about any offer.  Prefer SC but will accept food, herbs (especially herbs not found in the Deciduous Forest) and other items. 

Left one is Quartz base. Other is Blue.


Posted 2020-12-02 03:56:24 1 healing salve 2 healing salve

or make an offer :)


Posted 2020-12-02 04:03:40

I have a T2 Female w/ Blk Merle patches up for Auction at the bottom of  This Page 

Same with this T2 Vanilla Male with Dubloon Merle

Izzy Ca'tuil

Posted 2020-12-02 04:05:00

I currently have this neat looking guy up for sale 255/ Brass/ Warm Medium I/ M pup/ Merle Patches

He's got Dark Brown Merle Patches (43%) in slot 8, Clean/NIB, and his base is still under 1%

🌵NIB Brachy Breeder🌵

Posted 2020-12-02 08:05:28

I've got a few pups with Merle markings that I'll likely be listing for sale once they're weaned (Most wean tomorrow and one in about 3 rollovers)  I don't have any pricing specifics in mind but if you're interested:

Male - 213 Stats - Gold Darker Base - Precise

Male - 197 Stats - Glaucous Base - Capable

Female - 206 Stats - Skarn Base - Charming - Good Fertility

Male - 214 Stats - Skarn Base - Unfriendly

Male - 209 Stats - Marengo Base - Neutral


Posted 2020-12-02 08:06:15



Posted 2020-12-02 11:50:27

sorry if these aren't to your liking dear


Posted 2020-12-03 12:33:58

I've got this fella:

Base: Cream Darker (2.22%)
Base Genetics: Muted Medium I
Eyes: Yellow
Slot 2: Honey Inuit Unders (48%)
Slot 3: White Inuit Unders (47%)
Slot 5: Ducat Merle (48%)

Slot 8: White Inverted Agouti (87%)
Stats: 234
Personality: Sociable

I also have this (essentially free) trade for two potato pups with Merle.


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