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A toggle for illness images as a setting

A toggle for illness images as a setting
Posted 2020-12-14 12:11:31

With some of the illness effects on Wolvden, some of the art can be triggering to people with specific triggers such as insects (ticks), blood or gore (open wounds, mange, etc) or specific other imagery. A solution for this would be a setting to toggle illness or possible future pregnancy art, perhaps at the bottom of the Den page near the already existing Settings. This could also be a place for a future Dark Mode toggle. People with triggers should be able to enjoy Wolvden fully without being exposed to reminders of their struggle, and it would be an accessibility feature even people without triggers can enjoy. This is not advocating for the removal of illness effects. This is simply a feature that would make the game more inclusive for people with trauma, triggers or other related issues.

I hope you will consider implementing this feature.

meatface 🤡 (he/him)

Posted 2021-12-17 20:22:03

Per the Game Development Guidelines, please keep any responses to threads on this board constructive in nature regarding the suggestion presented.  Comments along the lines of just "support/no support/agree/etc" will be removed.

Thank you!

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Posted 2022-03-01 14:17:04
I haven't seen very many illnesses on my wolves (thankfully!!) and so far I'm not bothered but what I have seen, but I fully support this. In some games I've played there has been "gore / no gore / LOTS of gore" settings, and in one there's an arachnophobia slider for the more realistic looking spiders to cater to the people who are afraid of them. I think it'd be super nice to have that option for those who are sensitive to those sorts of things, but I also enjoy the changing art of injuries and illnesses to make things more realistic.


Posted 2022-06-11 11:03:08
For Lioden we have the option to blacklist certain decor and backgrounds. I would like to see this for Wolvden as well - including illness are ofc.

Lily (GH!)

Posted 2022-06-14 17:53:14
Yes. If this filter could also include any very gorey future lethals (showing blood, muscle, anything under skin) I'd also appreciate this. I've been super worried about what might be introduced. I'm okay with the wounds so far, but I know it can get much worse with other games


Posted 2024-05-01 20:11:06
The fact this hasn't been implemented yet is a little jarring to me. There is a toggle for removing the visuals of spiders but not illnesses. Mange bothers me the most, personally. I am honestly surprised more people aren't talking about this because I'd consider myself more thick-skinned when it comes to visual gore/illness-- but that mange art is just super disturbing to me.

I would personally love a feature that would blacklist certain decors and backgrounds, too.


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