Raven & Zach's Christmas Raffle! (Funding your very own Custom wolf!)
Posted 2020-12-21 08:59:43
Your username & ID: Hev #30905 Wardrobe link to design: Wolf Wolf Name: Ori Sex: Male Personality: Observant (Thank you so much for the opportunity!! If possible I’d like to use a higher stat wolf of mine to put the design on, but if not thats okay too! ♥️ Happy Holidays!) |
Hev🌺🌊 #30905 |
Posted 2020-12-21 13:36:36 (edited)
Your username & ID: Evergray #33899 Wardrobe link to design: .Wolf Link Wolf Name: Ally Sex: Female Personality: Bossy She is based off my old rescue Dalmatian, who was also named Ally. This is a great idea, thank you for hosting it! |
lightgoddess666 #33899 |
Posted 2020-12-21 17:01:28
Your username & ID: Wolfstar023 #31952 Wardrobe link to design: wolvden.com Wolf Name: Lightningstorm Personality: Helpful (any friendly personality) Sex: Female OR male. preferably female First contest i've ever entered! Thanks for taking your time to look at this! |
Echo #31952 |
Posted 2020-12-22 02:46:35
Your username & ID: cacticorn #8476 Wardrobe link to design: [link] Wolf Name: Ymerin Sex: female Personality: fair |
🌵 cacticorn 🌵 #8476 |
Posted 2020-12-22 03:52:31
Your username & ID: Bagel🥯 #3956 Wardrobe link to design: Chocolate Mousse Wolf Name: Chocolate Mousse Sex: Male Personality: Humble |
Bagel🥯 #3956 |
Posted 2020-12-22 08:53:57 (edited)
Username: HotTopical Link --> Here Wolf name: Lyarei Sex: Male Personality: Keen |
Hot Topical #28676 |
Posted 2020-12-22 11:52:48
Your username & ID: Moth #33009 Wardrobe link to design: Wardrobe Wolf Name: White Sea Sex: Female Personality: Sarcastic |
moth #33009 |
Posted 2020-12-22 13:50:04
Entry Form: Your username & ID: Kenjamin #12142 Wardrobe link to design: Wolf Link Wolf Name: Pele Sex: Female Personality: Confident |
Kenjamin #12142 |
Posted 2020-12-22 14:39:05 (edited)
Your username & ID: bassoongirl #24100 Wardrobe link to design: wolf link Wolf Name: Cherribomb Sex: Female Personality: Combative |
bassoongirl #24100 |
Posted 2020-12-23 07:01:22 (edited)
Entry Form: Your username & ID: Aster (#19498) Wardrobe link to design: https://www.wolvden.com/wardrobe/299019?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.. Wolf Name: Odysseus Sex: Female Personality: Sarcastic (new to posting links, sorry its long, heh.) |
🥀 Karma 🇩🇪✨ #19498 |