Ability to Opt-out of Religiously-tied Events
Posted 2020-12-20 19:49:19 (edited)
I'm a complete atheist and still celebrate Christmas lol. So do many other atheists Regardless, if someone dislikes Christmas or doesn't want to see Christmas events I see no reason to not have a choice to opt out, since it does not affect other users at all. Support. |
![]() Jay #11211 |
Posted 2020-12-21 11:43:35
I'm agnostic and currently unaffiliated with a religion. Holidays like Christmas and Easter lost their "official" meaning to me and I see them as more secular events, despite the religious ties. But I can understand how it can be unsettling for some users for whatever reason it may be and I feel like an opt-out feature should be added to respect those opinions. Correct me if I'm wrong but through December 25th-January 1st or 2nd, I was under the impression that you can manually open up gifts throughout this period. If the gifts were to be automatically open, that's one thing. But you are given a choice as to whether or not you want to open them and if not, you don't see the received gifts for another 365 days. Would it be possible to just ignore the gifts? I'm really not trying to be insensitive, I do support this feature to be implemented within the game, and I would really appreciate it if I don't get attacked on this point (literally, this is my first time posting in the Game Development forum). I just feel as though until it circulates in the heads of the admins, it's probably best to ignore the events for the time being if they make you feel uncomfortable or it conflicts with your religion. These are just my thoughts and opinions and no hate towards though who believe in something ^^ |
![]() Syncopated Clock #2380 |
Posted 2020-12-21 11:58:02
To ignore gifts given would be insulting to the person doing the giving. These could be people giving a fair amount of SC or GC in their gifts and the user they chose to give simply went and ignored them? Never opening? Such things could go to users that will actually want to use them. And getting gifts and just ignoring them can make the receiving party feel guilty or bad, because it is forcing them to reject kind gestures from others that they simply do not want to begin with. So no, simply ignoring is not the answer. No game feature should make a user feel gross. It'd be better to let people opt out entirely for whatever reason they may have. Like AlphaAlpha said, the code is already there (to prevent gifting to users that have not been on in a long time). It would simply be a matter of making it so a user can actively choose to opt out at the start, which should not be too difficult. |
![]() otterbells #4284 |
Posted 2020-12-21 12:09:09
I really am sorry if I offended you or anyone else, it honestly wasn't my intention and I deeply apologize :( I didn't see the code that was added to the first post created by the OP, so I didn't think there was a way to get around the event until the feature was actually implemented. It's my fault for not seeing and if I can edit my post if needed if it makes other people uncomfortable. I hate the feeling of offending other people ;w; |
![]() Syncopated Clock #2380 |
Posted 2020-12-22 13:10:17
While I'm not Christian or apart of any religion for the matter I do celebrate Christmas but if it does make people uncomfortable I don't see an issue with allowing people to opt-out since the code is already there so I support |
![]() 🐸AngyFrog🐸 #3122 |
Posted 2020-12-23 01:11:01
Support with the added suggestion of being able to opt out of any event at all - not just religiously tied ones. For example, although it's not religiously tied, the explore encounters in LD's February event make me a bit uncomfy, or someone may just not be interested in an event. Really, any reason to abstain from an event is valid, and it would be very convenient for users to be able to opt out of events. |
![]() mothbrainz #624 |
Posted 2020-12-23 03:14:57
ahh i feel a bit bad because i gave gifts to random forum people before i discovered the events board, and i think some of them are in this thread - sorry if that made anybody feel uncomfy,, I absolutely agree there should be either a way to totally opt out of the event, or it should be made more generic and less obviously based on or inspired by any one specific real holiday. Being able to opt out of any future events as well like mothbrainz said would be fantastic. |
![]() Zephiiyr #18861 |
Posted 2022-12-19 08:26:40
And to top it off.. Your required to participate in the event now with the introduction of Melvin, He has a quest to "Gift" players, no not gift through the TC, gift through the Christmas event. ![]() So yes, the core of this event Is Christmas without a doubt and I honestly even as someone who celebrates It myself Its quite Insulting too other cultures and religions to be forced to participate now. |
![]() SolarScottish #26758 |
Posted 2022-12-19 08:44:41
![]() Snær #35015 |
Posted 2023-12-21 11:11:20
(I ended up coming back ofc, but if I hadn't, those gifts would have been wasted on me) |
![]() cr0wfeathers #14965 |