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Posted 2020-12-18 11:09:41 (edited)


Everyone who is currently on contributors list will be in the raffle. If you are not on list and should be please message me before the raffle. If you want to be on list you can contribute before the raffle goes off! 


Anyone who contributes will receive free studs for life from any wolves created by the project. This can also include female wolves by reverse studding.


Breed more tier III's for the project. 
*Donated heats will be accepted. You must state that it is donated.
Females can be sent to Borghild to be bred, they must either have a feather for immediate return, or food/entertainment items for their stay. I will take care of donated heats but some help is appreciated. 


The Recipe!

12/20 Canine Fangs

6/20 Canine Claws

1/1 Fox Skull

0/10 Fox Tail [Red] 

0/5 Fox Pelt [Red] 

*We are still collecting this. If we get a tier III stud before all is collected then the fox base can still be worked towards for a raffle for someone to win it! 



Feather-Heart (#11069) - ang

Vyskar (#32153) canine fang x1

 ✨The Bone Fairy✨ (she)#33541 - Fang x2

Black market breeder#3073 - fang

Felixant (#16038)

ThatCorgi (#24163) - Heat x2

 Luraji #2505 Heat x2 Fang x1

 AlphaAlpha #33253    - Contributed maths. heat x1

 Pastel #5084   - Skull and Claw x2 

Beans 29494 - Claw

 Burok #15934 - Claw x3 Fang x2

  Silver #33262  -Fang

Raine☔ #1359
- heat


 KiloNiner (#1020) - Stud


In order to breed to a stud being offered by the project, please send your lady to the owner of the stud with an instant pup delivery and a nesting material. If you can't do an instant pup delivery ask the owner if she can have an extended stay and you would supply food and entertainment items.

Studs are listed below along with any additional cost to breed to that stud. 

Also Please add your player ID and NAME into the description of your lady!


Borghild III |:| Wolvden - Zerix, No cost! 

Slice Of Moldy Bread |:| Wolvden - KilNiner - First pick of pups! (2 Tier III pups reserved of their choice from Moldy's offspring)


Posted 2020-12-18 11:56:49

oh I'd love to help! I can make a list of bases that when bred with Fox result in a 1% possibility for serpentine. Would that be helpful at all :D?


Posted 2020-12-18 12:00:22

Yes!!!!! That would be amazing!


Posted 2020-12-18 12:16:57

That would definitely be helpful!!

🌵NIB Brachy Breeder🌵

Posted 2020-12-18 12:49:18

The ideal combinations that will produce a Serpentine base:

Note this is all from the Wolvden wiki, and not all of these are confirmed because most of the tier III bases have not occurred in the game yet! :)

Highest probability w/ existing wolves: ( Medium Warm III (fox) x Dark Cool II )

1% chance for ANY of the following Tier III bases: Opal, Grulla, Serpentine, Teardrop, Zircon, Lily, Pearl, Seal, Bronze, Piasa, Tombac, Fox, Mojave, Wulfenite, Pyrope, Realgar, Argent, Chromium, Flint, Striped flint, Iridium, Slate. (22 outcomes)

Assuming each of the 1% options have an equal chance of appearing, we can then predict that from a pairing consisting of these wolves, there is a 0.00045% chance to obtain a Serpentine base from the three above pairings. (0.01 (the 1% chance for a tier III) x 0.045 (the 1 in 22 chance to obtain serpentine in the 1% range) = 0.00045)

Probabilities will go WAY up when Opal or Grulla wolves are bred, because they are the other cool tier III wolves! Don't be discouraged, it is possible! and my math could be completely wrong!


  • A tier III and tier II wolf have a 1% chance of creating a tier III child.
  • A warm base and a cool base can create warm, cool, muted and monochrome offspring. (percentages unknown, I am assuming 25% each)
  • A medium base and a dark base can create medium and dark bases (50% each)

Corrections encouraged, please let me know if you have anything to add ^^


Posted 2020-12-18 12:50:31

Count me in 💜


Posted 2020-12-31 13:33:21 (edited)

My stud is a Denim boy 😀 I'd gladly join the project with traditional breeding!


Posted 2020-12-31 13:35:11

Also I have two denim females, so I can also try to help with them, if possible! 


Posted 2020-12-31 13:55:52

I'd like to join the project! I have a Denim girl, and I might have a canine claw buried. I'll check out tomorrow!


Posted 2020-12-31 14:37:00 (edited)

I just bred my denim girl to a mojave based stud out of curiosity to see if serpentine base would possibly be produced - 4 cubs expected. Then I will have her bred to a fox base. I have another denim female cub who will go through the same testing once she ages up. I also have a nocturne female cub and a lilac female cub. :D

**EDIT: yes, I would like to join this project! 


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