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Write your story: Wolvden RP (CLOSED)

Posted 2022-05-14 08:54:02
He kept moving, hoping to get far enough that the wolf wouldn't bother him. He sped up his movements, a bit, just distracting himself by catching the scent of a beaver.

Mr. Wolfu

Posted 2022-05-14 09:03:18
Branch Pelt, Forest Territories

After dropping the deer off at the Riverside Pack's territory, she said her goodbyes to Alpic and scurried off, treading deeper into the forest territories. Along her way, she stalked different packs for a bit, not sure what she was looking for. Ugh.. Why did you have to make the details so vague, Dreamurr? Branch thought to herself, letting out a frustrated huff.

The scattered sunlight seeping through the trees speckled her dark pelt as she trotted along the forest foliage. Oh Hinode, please tell me where to go.. Branch Pelt frowned as sniffed around, catching the scent of a pack. I'm giving up for the day if this isn't the one I'm looking for.

Running through the forest, the she wolf stopped by a river. She'd lap up the water with her tongue, tired from all her running. The scent of wolves in the area was strong, and she boldly continued forward. Pouncing through the river stream, she shook her pelt off after reaching the other side, following the scent of the wolves. She heard chattering, and tucked herself in the nearby bushes to listen out. Her dark brown pelt was good camouflage. Branch Pelt watched the wolves closely, hearing some pups as well. Maybe I should approach. I just need to find out who is the alpha.

(Encounter for Madison or Wolf)

Solar Flares

Posted 2022-05-14 09:25:45 (edited)
He stopped following as soon as he noticed the stranger pick up the pace. "Now I'm just bored." He huffed; turning around he walks away and searches for a place to lay down. Finding a nice little clearing filled with wild flowers he lays down in a hunter like position. He was curious to see if any prey would notice him; since his markings and fur blended in with the flowers. Pricking his ears he sniffs the air and the scent of wolf hits him. "Another wolf?" Whisper gets up and freezes when he sees a wolf hiding. "M-maybe I should run.." he mumbles; backing away. He continues to back away only to step on a twig and snap it making a large noise.

Posted 2022-05-14 09:34:14
He sighed in relief, finally feeling that sense of being watched vanish. He tracked down the beaver, bolting after it, before ending it with a swift bite. He lifted the prey in his jaws, starting back towards where he'd been before, considering that's where his DIY 'home' was.

Mr. Wolfu

Posted 2022-05-14 11:28:40
Whisper bolted and ran as fast as he could. Not knowing where he was going; he blindly turned and yelped in surprise as he ran into something hard. Whisper backs away, trips, and falls down. He looks up to see the same strange wolf that he was following earlier, except this time they had a beaver in their mouth.

Posted 2022-05-14 11:36:27
Lucifer just stared down at him, raising a brow. G r e a t , now he had to make conversation, or it'd be awkward. "...Hi." He said, the words muffled by the beaver in his mouth.

Mr. Wolfu

Posted 2022-05-14 11:47:24
"I-I'm sorry! P-please don't attack, I-I'm not a threat!" Whisper pinned his ears down and tried his hardest not to look terrified.

Posted 2022-05-14 11:50:24
"..Attack you? You were the one following me..What to you want?" He spoke in a low, calm voice.

Mr. Wolfu

Posted 2022-05-14 11:54:08
"N-nothing! I just u-um, w-well, I w-wasn't looking where I was going. I'm so sorry f-for bumping into you.." Whisper mumbles and looks down at his paws.

Posted 2022-05-14 12:00:20
"..Are you from a pack?" He asked softly, feeling a little bad for scaring this obviously timid wolf.

Mr. Wolfu

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