Write your story: Wolvden RP (CLOSED)
Posted 2021-01-20 13:26:31 (edited)
Sutīru flicked her ear, acknowledging that a wolf had come behind her, apparently the alpha female of Hinode's pack. She heard her desperate question, and the steele she-wolf jerked her head at Lunar. "This foul rat did." She barked loudly into Lunar's ripped ear. She never looked at the alpha female once, instead keeping her intent glare on the pack wolf. "Now. Answer. My. Question." She snarled, hoping that the alpha female wouldn't try to finish him off herself -- Sutīru wanted to do this on her own. \/ Character Information \/ |
![]() katastrophic #12334 |
Posted 2021-01-20 17:41:00
Nichibotsu growled low, circling them from a distance. It was part of her personality to be so distant to others afterall. (Yeah that joke sucked.) If that loner were to let Lunar go, Nichibotsu would chase after them. She can be cold at times and she really did want to get revenge on that wolf for harming her mate so gravely. |
![]() Solar Flares #26993 |
Posted 2021-01-20 18:20:08
(what did i miss?) |
![]() Lunar_Eclipse #28987 |
Posted 2021-01-20 18:47:29
Lunar attacked me of course, then my hunting party came to help. Lunar followed us to the Galatics territory and he is currently pinned down by Sutiru and being watched by Hinode's mate)) |
![]() Solar Flares #26993 |
Posted 2021-01-20 20:52:04
Flame, Woodwing, Lai, Marigold and Winter went to see their leader. Flame laughed and continued, "Looks like your out-numbered." |
![]() LaYLa🍄 #35680 |
Posted 2021-01-20 22:04:32
Hearing the words that put her patience to the limits, Nichibotsu snapped, sprinting closer to the tension. ''This is MY TERRITORY! I do NOT care who dies and who lives, but I sure as hell know that none of you are leaving UNHARMED!'' Nichibotsu howled, calling over her hunting party to return. The finisher stayed behind, guarding Hinode as the others were quick to the alpha female's side. ' 'Now it seems like *you* are outnumbered.'' She smirked. ''The 6 of us will chase you out of our turf, and I'll make sure every last one of you has a scar to show your stupidity.'' Nichibotsu barked, her pack charging at the other wolves who showed up. Each of them snarling and bitting at the other pack wolves, leaving Lunar and Sutiru to settle things by themselves. After one last howl from Nichibotsu, 3 more pack members showed up. Her son Bear was one of them. ''Heh, good luck winning the fight now you little brats!'' They all assisted each other in attacking the 5 invading wolves. Some of them biting and tearing into their hind quarters and others aiming for the face and throat with their fangs. It was starting to look like a blood fest as all the pupsitters had to keep guard over the madness of the battlefield taking place. A lot of the other adults in the pack were busy with hunting or scouting, but Nichibotsu didn't care, she has a large pack anyway. |
![]() Solar Flares #26993 |
Posted 2021-01-21 06:22:11
Sutīru shut the chaos out around her, focusing only on the wolf under her. She displayed her sharp fangs, drawing them nearer to their throat. "You're time is running out." She snarled, staring Lunar in the eyes. \/ Character Information \/ |
![]() katastrophic #12334 |
Posted 2021-01-21 08:14:15
Lunar headbutted her leaving her in a few moments of shock, he took that time to his advantage. "My pack is bigger then you can count! Lunar let out a howl more wolves came. In the distance the howl of Woodwing called even more wolves. Lunar jumped onto her and put his jaw around her neck, if he bit down she would most likely die. (The more wolves that came were Moon-Aspen-Creek-Boulder-Hunter-Fern-Amber |
![]() LaYLa🍄 #35680 |
Posted 2021-01-21 08:27:55
Nichibotsu snarled, Howling for her second hunting party to come. Five more wolves showed up along with her strongest adolescent and Pluto, one of her newest pack members. The second hunting party didn't hesitate to rush into battle, but the adolescent and Pluto decided to be backup as they were unsure what to do at the moment. Nichibotsu howled again, another adolescent plus another one of her scouts showed up. The she wolf scout helped her friends in the battle, along with the small, Noah. The alpha female watched closely as everyone was fighting the rival pack. It was war... The alpha female ran at Lunar, she slammed into his side to losen Lunar's grip enough so that she can pull him away by the tail. However, Nichibotsu decided to play a dirty trick and nip at Lunar's testicles to make them flinch. |
![]() Solar Flares #26993 |
Posted 2021-01-21 08:40:54 (edited)
Lunar simply got up and chuckled, "So you bring pups that will die 3 seconds in battle instead of actual warriors!" Lunar was unbelievably strong and he never went down without a battle. Despite all the bruises and bites, he acted like he didn't even hurt at all. Lunar was strong and could lift heavy things (probably how he lifted Hinode like that. Lunar lunged at the alpha female his jaw latched on tight to her front neck. Lunar did the same thing he did to Hinode, he went up on his hind legs and smashed her to the ground. He dragged her by her tail as soon as he let go he clawed her eye. Lunar was to quick for her to react he kept fighting and fighting, nocking the air out of her. Lunar barked and jumped onto her he bit down hard onto the back of her neck, giving no mercy. |
![]() LaYLa🍄 #35680 |